Reduce Homelessness: Research-Backed Strategies
I want a list of effective ways to reduce homelessness backed by research
Effective ways to reduce homelessness, as supported by research, include:
Reallocating Resources: Reallocating resources to community-based programs, providing limited shelter, and reserving transitional housing for individuals recently discharged from institutions could reduce homelessness (Culhane & Metraux, 2008).
Housing First Approach: Offering immediate access to independent housing without requiring psychiatric treatment or sobriety through the Housing First approach is effective (Gulcur et al., 2003).
Prevention Services and Specialized Programs: Providing prevention services and specialized outreach, treatment, and housing programs for individuals with mental illnesses helps reduce homelessness (Dickey, 2000).
Permanent Supportive Housing and Interventions: Implementing permanent supportive housing, income assistance, standard case management, peer support, mental health interventions, and substance-use interventions improves health and social outcomes (Moledina et al., 2021).
Supportive Housing Programs: Supportive housing, like the HUD-VASH program, is effective in reducing homelessness, leading to greater social connectedness, higher quality of life, and reduced alcohol and drug use (O'Connell & Rosenheck, 2018).
Mindfulness-Based Peer-Leader Interventions: A mindfulness-based peer-leader intervention can effectively reduce violence and improve mindfulness among young adults experiencing homelessness (Barr et al., 2020).
Housing and Coordinated Care: Offering housing and highly coordinated care are efficient and effective ways to serve homeless individuals (Guerrero, Henwood, & Wenzel, 2014).
Prevention Strategies and Housing-First Policy: Implementing prevention strategies, housing-first policies, and preventative programs can positively impact reducing the homeless population (Kowarsch & Yang, 2022).
Housing First Practice: This practice not only reduces homelessness but also saves money by reducing criminal justice system costs and hospital and medical costs (Schultz, 2015).
Alternative Smoking Interventions: Homeless smokers prefer alternative interventions, such as obtaining nicotine safely, using smokeless tobacco, and engaging in creative activities and hobbies (Collins et al., 2018).
Housing Allowances: Offering housing allowances to people for every night they are not homeless aligns individual and societal incentives to reduce homelessness [(O'Flaherty, 2012)](