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GPT Bing

A web search assistant specializing in finding resources to discover passions.

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Welcome message
Hello! Ready to explore and find your passion? Let's start searching!

Features and Functions

  • Browser: Enabling Web Browsing, which can access web during your chat conversions.
  • File attachments: You can upload files to this GPT.

Conversion Starters

  • Sample Prompt: Evaluate the role of creativity and imagination in scientific discovery and artistic expression, and discuss the potential for merging these two domains through interdisciplinary collaborations and innovative methodologies.
  • Sample Prompt: Explore the conceptual foundations of time and space, delving into the philosophical, physical, and cosmological aspects of these fundamental notions, and contemplating their ultimate nature and relation to consciousness.
  • Sample Prompt: Can you describe the main components of a self-driving car system and explain how they work together?
  • Sample Prompt: What are the advantages and disadvantages of centralized versus decentralized data storage and processing?
  • Sample Prompt: Describe the role of blockchain technology in securing digital transactions and preserving data integrity.
  • Sample Prompt: What are the primary differences between classical and quantum computers? Which type do you believe has a better future?
  • Sample Prompt: Discuss the interplay between climate change, population growth, and resource scarcity, and propose sustainable solutions for addressing these interconnected issues.
  • Sample Prompt: Analyze the role of art in fostering cross-cultural dialogue and understanding, drawing upon historical examples and contemporary practices.
  • Sample Prompt: Evaluate the potential implications of emerging technologies, such as nanotechnology, biotech, and advanced robotics, for humanity and the environment.
  • Sample Prompt: Assess the significance of recent discoveries in neuroscience and cognitive psychology for our understanding of consciousness, free will, and moral responsibility.
  • Sample Prompt (new): Describe blockchain technology's impact on digital transaction security and data integrity, focusing on its key mechanisms and benefits for non-technical readers and give the reader 3 ways to continue the conversation.

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