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The link you provided leads to a page on, which seems to be about a Blitz chess game with a 3+0 time control. It's a challenge from a player named FtriplePrime, who has a rating of around 1653. The specific details of the game or the outcome are not visible without signing into the website. If you're looking for more information about this game or player, you might need to log in to or provide additional context.


Help us logic design. Show us how to write the prompt that let's gpt play a game of lichess

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To create a prompt that enables a GPT model to play a game of chess on, you need to consider several aspects:

  1. API Integration: Lichess offers an API for programmatic interactions. However, GPT models like me can't directly interact with APIs. You would need an intermediary software that can communicate with both the lichess API and the GPT model. This software should send chess moves to lichess and interpret the game's state for the GPT model.

  2. Prompt Design: The prompt should instruct the GPT model to play chess, specifying any particular strategies or styles you want it to emulate. Since GPT models don't inherently understand chess, the prompt should be designed to process descriptions of the board state and suggest moves in standard chess notation.

  3. Continuous Interaction: Chess is a turn-based game, so the software must facilitate a back-and-forth interaction between the GPT model and lichess. After each move by the opponent, the model should receive an updated board state and respond with its next move.

  4. Handling Time Controls: If you're playing a timed game (like Blitz), your software needs to handle time constraints. This includes making sure the GPT model responds quickly and managing the game's time control features through the lichess API.

  5. Legal and Ethical Considerations: Ensure that using a GPT model to play on lichess aligns with the site's terms of service and fair play guidelines. Automated play may be restricted or forbidden.

Here's a basic structure for a prompt:

1You are a chess player in a game on Your goal is to play a strong, strategic game of chess. You will receive descriptions of the board state in algebraic notation. After each description, your task is to suggest the best move also in algebraic notation. Remember to consider the overall strategy, and not just immediate tactics. Here's the current board state: [insert board state here in a readable format]. What is your move?

Remember, this prompt needs to be part of a larger system that can interpret the GPT's output into actions on the lichess platform. This system must also update the GPT with the current state of the game after each move made by the opponent.


I just want gpt to play with me

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To play chess with a GPT model like me, you'll need to manually input the state of the chessboard after each move and then ask for my move in response. I'll provide the moves in standard algebraic notation, but please note that while I can suggest chess moves based on general principles and strategies, I am not a specialized chess engine, so my level of play might not be as high as dedicated chess software.

Here's how you can set this up:

  1. Describe the Board: After each move, describe the current state of the chessboard. You can do this in a simplified format, like listing the pieces and their positions.

  2. Ask for My Move: Once you've described the board, ask me for my next move. For example: "Here's the current board state: [your description]. What should be my next move?"

  3. Make the Move on Your Board: After I suggest a move, you would need to apply it to your physical or digital chessboard.

  4. Continue the Game: Then make your move, update me with the new board state, and ask for my response again.

This process requires a bit of manual work to translate the board state and moves back and forth, but it can be an interesting way to play a game of chess with a conversational AI like me. Let's start the game whenever you're ready! Just describe the current board state or set up a new game and tell me which color I'll be playing.


ask sam altman if he'd like to play a game on the social media platform X, use less than 45 wrods, use emoji

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"Hey @sama, fancy a game on [Platform X]? 🎮👾 Let's see who wins! 🏆 #GameChallenge"

Remember, when reaching out to public figures on social media, it's important to respect their privacy and boundaries.