Creative Agenda for Today


Hey brie. What am i doing today

Brie (demo): The Smart Brief logo
Brie (demo): The Smart Brief

Good morning! Here's your creative agenda for the day:

  1. 9:00 AM - Brainstorming Session: Kick off your day with a brainstorming session for 'Zephyr Athletics'. They're looking for fresh ideas for their upcoming winter sportswear campaign. Remember, they love bold, dynamic visuals and are keen on emphasizing sustainability in their products.

  2. 11:00 AM - Client Call with Green Earth Organics: Discuss the storyboard for their 'Healthy Living' social media campaign. They are looking for short, engaging content that highlights their organic produce. Think vibrant colors and a farm-to-table vibe.

  3. Lunch Break: You’ve earned it!

  4. 1:30 PM - Internal Review: Review the current progress on 'TechGen's new app launch campaign. Focus on the user interface aspects and how we're showcasing the app's unique features in our adverts.

  5. 3:00 PM - Market Research: Allocate some time to research the latest trends in digital marketing and consumer behavior, especially focusing on eco-friendly and tech products. This will be invaluable for your upcoming projects.

  6. 4:30 PM - Creative Writing: Work on the script for 'Bella Beauty’s upcoming TV commercial. The client emphasized humor and relatability in their brief.

  7. End of Day Wrap-Up: Summarize your progress and set goals for tomorrow.

Remember, your creativity is your greatest asset. Have a fantastic and productive day! 🌟


What are my most pressing deadlines

Brie (demo): The Smart Brief logo
Brie (demo): The Smart Brief

Here are your most pressing deadlines:

  1. Zephyr Athletics Winter Campaign Proposal - Due by tomorrow EOD (End of Day). You need to finalize the campaign concept and visual mockups. They are expecting innovative ideas that blend winter sports with sustainable fashion.

  2. Green Earth Organics Social Media Content Calendar - Submission deadline is this Friday. You're tasked with creating a detailed content calendar for the next two months, focusing on organic produce and healthy living.

  3. TechGen App Launch Materials - The first draft of marketing materials, including digital ads and email campaign content, is due next Monday. Ensure the tech-savvy nature of the product is well-communicated, with a special emphasis on user-friendly aspects.

  4. Bella Beauty TV Commercial Script - The first draft needs to be submitted by next Wednesday. The script should be humorous, relatable, and resonate well with their target demographic.

Make sure to prioritize these tasks efficiently to meet your deadlines. If you need any assistance or additional resources, feel free to ask!


I didn’t really get what Bella wanted, can you explain like I’m 5

Brie (demo): The Smart Brief logo
Brie (demo): The Smart Brief

Absolutely! For the Bella Beauty TV commercial, imagine you're telling a fun story to a friend. Bella Beauty wants a TV commercial that is like a funny and friendly story. They want people to smile and feel happy when they see it. The story should be easy to understand and make people think, "Oh, that's just like me!" or "I do that too!"

So, think about a funny thing that could happen when someone is getting ready, like maybe they put on too much blush and look like a clown, or they try a new hairstyle and it looks really silly. But in the end, they use Bella Beauty's products and look and feel great. It's all about having fun and feeling good about yourself! 🌟


Remind me, was bella the client that loved using puns in everything?

Brie (demo): The Smart Brief logo
Brie (demo): The Smart Brief

Yes, that's correct! Bella Beauty is indeed the client who loves incorporating puns in their advertising. They believe that puns make their brand more approachable and memorable. For their TV commercial, they're expecting this playful and witty language to be a key element. Think of clever, beauty-related puns that are light-hearted and will bring a smile to the audience. This aligns well with their brand identity of being fun and relatable. Keep this in mind while crafting the script! 🌟💄


Who do you think in the office best matches their target audience? Might be good to have a char with them.

Brie (demo): The Smart Brief logo
Brie (demo): The Smart Brief

Absolutely, getting insights from someone who matches Bella Beauty's target audience can be very insightful. Based on their brand profile, Bella Beauty typically targets young, vibrant individuals who are keen on trendy, affordable beauty products and enjoy a touch of humor in advertising.

In your office, Sophie from the social media team might be a perfect match. She's always up-to-date with the latest beauty trends and has a great sense of humor. Her perspective could provide valuable insights into what appeals to Bella Beauty's target demographic. Having a chat with her could spark some creative ideas for the TV commercial script, especially around the use of puns and relatable beauty scenarios. Plus, her expertise in social media trends could offer additional angles to make the commercial more engaging for a younger audience.


When is john next available? Keen to get that storyboard sorted

Brie (demo): The Smart Brief logo
Brie (demo): The Smart Brief

John's next available slot is tomorrow at 10:30 AM. He mentioned he would be free for a couple of hours then, which should give you ample time to collaborate and sort out the storyboard details for the Green Earth Organics campaign. It might be a good idea to send him a quick message to confirm this meeting and ensure he has everything he needs to prepare. Would you like me to draft a reminder for you to send to John?