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What are the features that are coming up in implementation for Ethereum?

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It seems there was an error in processing the data to find information about upcoming features in Ethereum. I will adjust the approach and try again to retrieve the relevant information for you.

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It appears that the structure of the data in the posts is different from what I initially anticipated. I will reassess the data structure and modify my approach accordingly to provide you with the information about the upcoming features in Ethereum. Let me take another look at the data.

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The error indicates that the individual entries in the posts data are strings, not dictionaries as I initially assumed. This means I need to parse each string as JSON to access the contents of the posts. Let's proceed with this approach to extract the necessary information about upcoming features in Ethereum.

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It appears that the approach to parse the posts as JSON strings did not yield any valid posts. This suggests that the data might not be structured as expected. To proceed, I will examine the raw content of one of the posts to better understand its format and then adapt my approach accordingly. Let's take a look at a sample from the posts data.

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The sample from the posts data appears to be a URL, suggesting that the entries in the data might be links to Ethresearch posts rather than the content of the posts themselves. Since I don't have access to external content and cannot fetch data from these URLs, I'm unable to directly analyze the content of these posts.

Given this limitation, I can't directly provide you with information about the upcoming features in Ethereum from the provided data. If you have any other questions about Ethereum's technology, developments, or research that I can assist with using my existing knowledge, please feel free to ask.