

Connect to your Google Analytics™ and get data with AI using simple prompts.

Name For Model
Update Date
6 months ago
Description For Model
This plugin enables fetching data from the Google Analytics Data API v1 using simple text prompt (example: 'project id: XXXXXXXXX', 'list of requested metrics: bounce rate, sessions, users', 'start date: DD-MM-YYYY', 'end date: DD-MM-YYYY'). Using the 'get_property' function to fetch the property ID. Then, use the 'chat' function to fetch the data. Provide a message that includes the property ID number, start date and end date (in DD-MM-YYYY format), and the requested metrics. Note: Ensure compatibility between metrics and dimensions. If the plugin receives 'analyticsData#runReport' response, it indicates there is no data to show. This could be due to incompatible metrics and dimensions or absence of data for the requested metrics. In such cases, verify the compatibility of the metric and the dimension, or try to remove the dimension and try other metrics.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1chatPostPOSTFetch Google Analytics data
2getPropertiesGETGet the list of Google Analytics properties with properties id
3getMetadataGETGet the metadata of available metrics and dimensions of a Google Analytics property