GoPlus Security AI

GoPlus Security AI

Get crypto security information by using GoPlus Security API.

Name For Model
Update Date
6 months ago
Description For Model
Get security information of crypto tokens, malicious addresses, NFTs, token approvals, dApps, signature data encode info by using GoPlus Security API.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1getChainsListUsingGETGETGet supported blockchains.
2tokenSecurityUsingGET_1GETGet token security information.
3addressContractUsingGET_1GETGet address security information.
4approvalContractUsingGETGETGet approval security information.
5addressTokenApproveListUsingGET_1GETReports the outstanding token approvals issued to ERC-20 contracts by the given EOA address and associated risk items, including the date that the approval was issued, the allowance of the approval, and the transaction ID issuing the allowance.
6addressNFT721ApproveListUsingGET_1GETReports the outstanding token approvals issued to ERC-721 contracts by the given EOA address and associated risk items, including the date that the approval was issued, the allowance of the approval, and the transaction ID issuing the allowance.
7addressNFT1155ApproveListUsingGET_1GETReports the outstanding token approvals issued to ERC-1155 contracts by the given EOA address and associated risk items, including the date that the approval was issued, the allowance of the approval, and the transaction ID issuing the allowance.
8getAbiDataInfoUsingPOSTPOSTGet abi decode information.
9getNftInfoUsingGET_1GETGet NFT security information.
10getDappInfoUsingGETGETGet risk of dApp by URL.
11phishingSiteUsingGETGETCheck if the URL is a phishing site.
12getDefiInfoUsingGETGETCheck if a contract has rug-pull risks (Beta).
13getAccessTokenUsingPOSTPOSTGet access token.