Mini Habits

Mini Habits

Form new habits through small, daily actions.

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
Mini Habits is a habit tracker that helps you form new habits through small, daily actions.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1getHabitsGETReturns a list of all habits for a given user.
2createHabitPOSTA habit is a behavior that you perform automatically, without thinking about it. The goal of this app is to help you build good habits and break bad ones. The app will help you track your progress and give you feedback on how you're doing.
3getHabitGETGet a specific habit
4getTasksGETReturns a list of all tasks for a given habit.
5createTaskPOSTA task that helps the user take a step towards accomplishing their habit. Tasks are meant to be finite and achievable. Emphasizes the compound effect of small, consistent improvements or 'atomic habits'.
6getTaskGETGet a specific task
7updateTaskPUTAllows the user to log a task related to a habit. Creates a date log entry for the task.