Chat With Workspace

Chat With Workspace

Chat with your Notion workspace.

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
Chat with your Notion workspace.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1searchEndpointPOSTReturns all pages or databases that have titles that include the query param. If no query param is provided, then the response contains all pages or databases. To limit the request to search only pages or to search only databases, use the filter param.
2getPageEndpointGETRetrieves a Page object using the ID specified. Responses contains page properties, not page content. To fetch page content, use the retrieve block children endpoint.
3getBlockEndpointGETRetrieves a specific block by its ID. Pages are considered blocks, so you can provide a page ID to this endpoint.
4getBlockChildrenEndpointGETReturns a paginated array of child block objects contained in the block using the ID specified. In order to receive a complete representation of a block, you may need to recursively retrieve the block children of child blocks. Pages are considered blocks, so you can provide a page ID.
5getDatabaseEndpointGETRetrieves a database object — information that describes the structure and columns of a database — for a provided database ID. To fetch database rows rather than columns, use the Query a database endpoint.
6queryDatabaseEndpointPOSTGets a list of Pages contained in the database, filtered and ordered according to the filter conditions and sort criteria provided in the request. The response may contain fewer than page_size of results.