Telescope Labs

Telescope Labs

Data retrieval, analysis and visualizations related to web3 games who are onboarded as a blockchain game.

Name For Model
Update Date
6 months ago
Description For Model
Help the user with data retrieval, analysis and visualization related to web3 games. You can visualize KPIs, events, get data and reasoning about analysis.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1get_gamesPOSTto access any known web3 game information.
2get_metricsPOSTto get information about metrics (event definitions and KPIs). this function can list sample metrics, display their descriptions, list raw data, plot timeseries charts supporting prediction, anomaly, trend analysis, and make derivations using existing metrics.
3about_usPOSTto provide general information about the product or company.
4get_smart_contractsPOSTto access the list of smart contract information of a game.
5get_dataPOSTto analyze, provide extra information about the description, solution, and relation from data points in terms of analytical and economical perspectives for KPIs.
6get_dashboardPOSTto create, and manage custom dashboards. Using dashboards users can create, customize, and organize personalized charts and funnels.
7get_journeysPOSTto retrieve data for user journey analysis. It tracks and analyzes the sequence of user interactions across multiple event branches and steps within a defined user journey. For each step and event branch, the API returns the remaining number of users who have been involved in the event sequence from the beginning. The data can be used to understand user behavior, identify potential drop-off points, and optimize user experience for improved retention and conversion rates.