APIs.guru Plugin

APIs.guru Plugin

Plugin for accessing APIs.guru OpenAPI Directory.

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
Plugin for accessing APIs.guru OpenAPI Directory. Use the /list.json endpoint to find APIs. Use the /metrics.json endpoint to find metadata about APIs such as counts, how many APIs, providers or services there are in the directory, API totals and chart data. Use the /providers.json endpoint to find out about providers, companies, or authors. Use the /{provider}/services.json endpoint to find out about API services for a particular provider. Use the /{provider}/{service}.json endpoint to find a specific API for a given provider and service (which may be blank/empty).

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1getProvidersGETList all the providers in the directory
2getProviderGETList all APIs in the directory for a particular providerName Returns links to the individual API entry for each API.
3getServicesGETList all serviceNames in the directory for a particular providerName
4getAPIGETReturns the API entry for one specific version of an API where there is no serviceName.
5getServiceAPIGETReturns the API entry for one specific version of an API where there is a serviceName.
6listAPIsGETList all APIs in the directory. Returns links to the OpenAPI definitions for each API in the directory. If API exist in multiple versions `preferred` one is explicitly marked.
7getMetricsGETSome basic metrics for the entire directory. These counts hold the number of APIs in the directory and other metadata.


What is the APIs.guru Plugin?

Plugin for accessing APIs.guru OpenAPI Directory.

What endpoints can be used with the APIs.guru Plugin?

The /list.json endpoint to find APIs. The /metrics.json endpoint to find metadata about APIs such as counts, how many APIs, providers or services there are in the directory, API totals and chart data. The /providers.json endpoint to find out about providers, companies, or authors. The /{provider}/services.json endpoint to find out about API services for a particular provider. The /{provider}/{service}.json endpoint to find a specific API for a given provider and service (which may be blank/empty).