

Use natural language to create, deploy, and scale apps, backend, databases, cloud functions, web pages, and APIs.

Name For Model
Update Date
8 months ago
Description For Model
Help the user with creating an app using Back4App. Database, REST and GraphQL APIs, Cloud Code Functions, Web Pages, User Authentication, Access Control, and more.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1createParseAppPOSTCreate a new Parse App. After that i) use callParseAPI endpoint to send requests; ii) use deployCloudCode and getCloudCode endpoints to manage cloud code folders and files.
2getParseAppsGETGet existing Parse Apps (urls, keys, etc). After that i) callParseAPI endpoint retrieves schemas to learn; ii) callParseAPI endpoint sends requests; iii) getCloudCode endpoint retrieves existing cloud code to learn; iv) deployCloudCode endpoint changes cloud code.
3deployCloudCodePOSTLearn schemas in callParseAPI and current code in getCloudCode. Use append writeMode to keep code. Files in cloud/ must be required from cloud/main.js and not require Parse SDK. Files in public/ must load Add functions, pages, etc, one per file.
4getCloudCodeGETGet the content of a cloud code folder or file. Get current files before deploying cloud code to learn and avoid loosing pre-existing code. Use the recursive option to list all the files in a folder and its subfolders.
5callParseAPIPOSTCall Parse Server REST API. The first call must be to fetch schemas and learn the data, classes, and table. Then send multiple requests at once to retrieve create classes, insert data, perform queries, execute cloud code functions or perform any other operation supported by Parse.
6activateWebHostingPOSTActivate web hosting creating a back4app subdomain where the content of the cloud code public folder is hosted and can be visited.