MLB Stats

MLB Stats

Access up-to-date baseball news and statistics for players and teams across the MLB.

Name For Model
Update Date
6 months ago
Description For Model
Plugin for retrieving up to date baseball statistics for teams and players across the MLB. This plugin should be used for retrieving any baseball-related information that is current beyond ChatGPT's cutoff date of September 2021.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1getStandingsGETThe operation will retrieve the ranking of every team within their respective division across Major League Baseball (MLB).
2getNewsGETRetrieves up to date news articles for teams from
3getBattingStatsIndividualGETRetrieves batting statistics for an individual player for a given season
4getBattingStatsGETRetrieves a batting statistic for all players from Fangraphs for the season being inputted
5getPitchingStatsFangraphsGETRetrieves a specific pitching statistic for all starting pitchers from Fangraphs for the season being inputted.
6getReliefPitchingStatsGETRetrieves a specific pitching statistic for all relief pitchers from Fangraphs for the season being inputted.
7getPitchingStatsIndividualGETRetrieves the pitching stats for an individual player for a given season
8getTeamBattingGETRetrieves the batting statistics from Baseball Reference for each player on the team for the provided season. This function should be used when you want to retrieve each individual player's batting statistics for a team.
9getTeamBattingCombinedGETRetrieves the combined batting statistics for all teams across the MLB from Fangraphs for the specified season. This function should be used whenever a prompt is asking for combined statistics.
10getTeamFieldingGETRetrieves the fielding statistics from Baseball Reference for each player on the team for the provided season
11getTeamPitchingGETRetrieves the pitching statistics from Baseball Reference for each player on the team for the provided season
12getTeamPitchingCombinedGETRetrieves the combined pitching statistics for all teams across the MLB from Fangraphs for the specified season. This function should be used whenever a prompt is asking for combined pitching statistics for a team.
13getPlayerIdLookupGETRetrieves a player ID value to be used with other data retrieval functions.
14getStatcastBatterGETRetrieves pitch-level statistics for a batter for a given date.
15getStatcastFieldingGETRetrieves fielding statstics of a position over a season time frame.
16getStatcastPitcherGETRetrieves pitch-level statistics from Statcast for a pitcher for a specified date.
17getStatcastSprintSpeedGETRetrieves the sprint speed of the top 250 players across the MLB.
18getStatcastPitchArsenalGETRetrieves a pitcher's pitch distribution percentages out of 100
19getTopProspectsGETRetrieves the top prospects for a specific team or across all of the MLB for the current season.
20getScheduleandRecordGETGets a month of game stats for a team, including win/loss, runs scored per game. Can also be used to get the upcoming schedule. For detailed batting/pitching info, use 'getTeamGameLogs' operation.
21getTeamGameLogsGETGets a month of detailed batting or pitching game stats for a team.
22getPlayerGameLogsGETRetrieves a month of game logs for an individual player
23getPlayerSplitStatsGETRetrieves a player's split stats for a given season