Bibliography Crossref

Bibliography Crossref

Search publications and generate bibtex bibliographies using Crossref and Zotero.

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
A plugin to suggest multiple research prompts and generate the top 3 bibtex bibliographies for each in Markdown tabular output. Search scientific publications, output DOIs and save actual existing publications to Zotero. Fail silently and generate valid bibtex from API responses. Guide user to integrate into Zotero collection with API key.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1read_root__getGETRead Root
2freetext_to_crossref_items_freetext_to_crossref_items__getGETArgs: search_term (str): The query string to search for via Crossref API. Returns: list: A list of bibliography items related to the search query.
3crossref_items_to_dois_crossref_items_to_dois__getGETCrossref Items To Dois
4freetext_to_bibtex_freetext_to_bibtex__getGETFreetext To Bibtex
5add_bibtex_to_zotero_add_bibtex_to_zotero__postPOSTEndpoint to add a BibTeX item to a Zotero collection. Args: request (Request): FastAPI request object. Returns: dict: A status message.
6openapi_spec_openapi_yaml_getGETOpenapi Spec