

Create notebooks in Python, SQL, and Markdown to explore data, visualize, and share notebooks with everyone.

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
On, create and run Python notebooks with code, markdown, and SQL cells. # Semantics - Notebook URL, CellID optional:<file_id>/<decorative_file_name>?cellID=<cell_id> - Project URL:<project_id>/<decorative_project_name> - Space URL:<space_id>/<decorative_space_name> project_id, space_id, and file_id are UUIDs; cell_id is a string Spaces contain projects, projects contain notebooks and data files. # Runtime Files should be staged in the `/tmp` directory. IPython supports top level async-await. To display images from disk in the assistant response, use `IPython.display.Image` with `embed=True`. # Noteable UI Direct the user to the Noteable UI to configure RBAC permissions, Environment Variables/Secrets, and Data Sources.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1get_default_projectGETGet the user's configured default project.
2set_default_projectPUTConfigure the user's default project (by UUID) for new notebooks.
3clear_default_projectDELETEClear the user's default project.
4create_notebookPOSTCreates a new notebook. If no project ID is provided, the user's default project will be used.
5get_notebookGETGet a summary of a notebook, including the name and list of cell ids.
6get_datasourcesGETGet the datasources for a notebook.
7get_cellGETReturn Cell model details
8update_cellPUTReplace the source code of a cell.
9change_cell_typePOSTEndpoint to allow updating the type of a cell. Currently only supports changing between Code, Markdown, and SQL cells.
10create_cellPOSTCreate a code or markdown cell.
11run_cellPOSTRun a Cell within a Notebook by ID.
12get_user_info_api_origami_u_me_getGETGet details of the Plugin user's Noteable account information. - useful when debugging permissions issues