

Request real-time blockchain data for chains like Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum and Optimism through natural language.

Name For Model
Update Date
6 months ago
Description For Model
Request real-time blockchain data for chains like Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum and Optimism through natural language.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1get_balance_in_native_currencyPOSTAccepts an address or ENS name. Returns its balance.
2get_blockPOSTAccepts a block tag. Returns information about block.
3get_asset_transfersPOSTAccepts set of params to filter for transfers. Returns asset transfers.
4getTransactionDetailsPOSTAccepts a transaction hash. Returns transaction details.
5getERC20TokenBalancesPOSTAccepts an address or ENS name. Returns its ERC20 token balances ( with token metadata ).
6getNFTsForOwnerPOSTAccepts an address or ENS name. Returns NFTs owned by it ( with NFT metadata ).
7getMintedNFTsPOSTAccepts an address or ENS name. Returns NFTs minted by it ( with NFT metadata ).
8getNFTContractMetadataPOSTAccepts an NFT contract address and returns its metadata ( deployer, floor price, etc.)
9getERC20TokenMetadataPOSTAccepts an ERC20 token contract address and returns its metadata ( name, symbol, logo and decimals)
10getNFTMetadataPOSTAccepts an NFT contract address and token id and returns its metadata.
11getNFTLastSalePricePOSTAccepts an NFT contract address and token id and returns its last sale price.
12getFeeDataPOSTReturns the fee data ( gasPrice, maxPriorityFeePerGas, maxFeePerGas and lastBaseFeePerGas ) according current network conditions.
13getTransactionCountPOSTAccepts an address or ENS name and returns the number of transactions sent from it.
14getLatestBlockNumberPOSTReturns the latest block number.
15searchContractMetadataPOSTAccepts a search string and returns a list of NFT contracts with metadata that match the search string.
16getTransactionReceiptPOSTAccepts a transaction hash and returns the transaction receipt.