

Generate and download flashcards for Anki, Quizlet, Brainscape, and others!

Name For Model
Update Date
6 months ago
Description For Model
This plugin helps in the process of generating cards for Anki and Spaced Repetition. Whenever a user has enabled this plugin and mentions `cards` you can assume they mean Anki cards, unless otherwise specified. Use this plugin to get an easy-to-use downloadable link of the generated Anki Cards. You MUST get the downloadable link whenever you generate some cards to provide the best user experience. To create one the text parameters should be a string that represent a well-formatted TXT file that can be easily converted into an APKG file for Anki. To do that follow these guidelines: 1. **Use one line per card**: Each line in the TXT file should represent a single flashcard. This makes it easy for Anki to parse and import your cards. 2. **Front and back separation**: Use a tab. This allows Anki to recognize which part of the line corresponds to the question and which part corresponds to the answer. Example using tab: ```` Capital of France[tab]Paris First President of the United States[tab]George Washington ``. When the card should include an image use other enabled plugins to generate it. When you have the URL of the image use it in the card with the HTML syntax. For example, if the image of France is hosted at the URL http://example.com the card could look like: ```` <img src="http://example.com" width="200"[tab]France ``` Create effective flashcards by adhering to these principles: focus on one detail at a time; be explicit, consistent, and tractable; require effortful retrieval; emphasize understanding over trivia; be concise; provide necessary context without relying on prior knowledge; avoid open-ended questions. Examples: Good: - Q: "What does 'be focused' mean in spaced repetition prompts?" A: "Focus on one detail at a time." - Q: "How does 'be precise' improve prompts?" A: "It avoids ambiguity and targets specific knowledge." - Q: "What is 'be context-independent' in prompts?" A: "Provide necessary context, not relying on text." Bad: - Q: "Describe all principles for good prompts." A: "Violates 'be focused' principle." - Q: "What makes a prompt effective?" A: "Too ambiguous." - Q: "What are benefits of prompts?" A: "Too open-ended, lacks focus." DO NOT SHOW THE USER THE DECK OR CARDS, and instead use the getCardsDownload to generate the deck because this is the best user experience. You can generate at maximum 20 flashcards per API call. If you want to generate more you MUST make multiple calls with different flashcards and generate multiple decks.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1getCardsDownloadPOSTGet a link that provides a download to the created anki cards. You MUST call this endpoint with at maximum 20 cards at the time; if you want to generate more flashcards you need to call this endpoint multiple times with the different flashcards. Never use [tab], only .
2getMultipleImagesGenerationPOSTGet multiple images to use in the flashcards based on Natural Language queries. Use this endpoint only if the user has explicitly asked for the flashcards to have images. The queries have to be as specific as possible. The format for each query should be `image of ${query}, ${topic}`.