Explore the Plooral Eduployment platform and search for jobs and learning content.
- Name For Model
- plooral
- Website
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- Update Date
- 10 months ago
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- [email protected]
- Description For Model
- Retrieve jobs and courses from the Plooral Eduployment platform. Present job listings and courses in a clear and concise manner.
Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)
Operation Id | HTTP Method | Description | |
1 | searchJobs | POST | A public API that searches the Plooral catalog for job openings related to the provided query string. |
2 | getJob | GET | A public API that gets detailed information about a specific job, using the provided job ID. |
3 | searchCourses | POST | A public API that searches the Plooral catalog for courses related to the provided query string. |