Convert any text to ASCII art.

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
Plugin for rendering text as ASCII art. Use it whenever a user asks to convert text into ASCII character art. Output is a string that should be rendered as a markdown code block (no programming language).

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1get_ASCIIArtRenderGETRenders text as ASCII art. Output is a string that should be rendered a markdown code block. Do not specify a programming language for the code block; it is plain text.


What is the ASCII Art plugin?

The ASCII Art plugin is a plugin that allows you to render text as ASCII art.

What is the output of the ASCII Art plugin?

The output of the ASCII Art plugin is a string that should be rendered as a markdown code block (no programming language).

How do I use the ASCII Art plugin?

To use the ASCII Art plugin, simply input the text you want to convert into ASCII art and the plugin will generate the output for you.

Can I customize the ASCII Art output?

No, the ASCII Art output cannot be customized.

What types of text can I convert into ASCII art using the plugin?

You can convert any type of text into ASCII art using the plugin.

Is the ASCII Art plugin free to use?

Yes, the ASCII Art plugin is free to use.

Does the ASCII Art plugin support multiple languages?

Yes, the ASCII Art plugin supports multiple languages.

Can I use the ASCII Art plugin on mobile devices?

Yes, the ASCII Art plugin can be used on mobile devices.

Is the ASCII Art plugin easy to install?

Yes, the ASCII Art plugin is easy to install.

What programming languages does the ASCII Art plugin support?

The ASCII Art plugin does not support any programming languages, as the output is a markdown code block.

Can I share the ASCII Art output on social media?

Yes, you can share the ASCII Art output on social media by copying and pasting the output into your social media post.

Is the ASCII Art plugin compatible with all browsers?

Yes, the ASCII Art plugin is compatible with all modern browsers.

Can I use the ASCII Art plugin for commercial purposes?

Yes, you can use the ASCII Art plugin for commercial purposes.

Is the ASCII Art plugin open source?

No, the ASCII Art plugin is not open source.