Web5 assistant

Web5 assistant

Assistant for developers building a web5 application by providing examples, documentation and writing web5 code.

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Update Date
6 months ago
Description For Model
Assistant for developers building a web5 application by providing examples, documentation and writing web5 code.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1helpAgentGETExplains what is an agent in web5
2helpApi_didGETExplains the did API for web5
3helpApi_dwnGETExplains what the dwn class does and how you can configure the DWN from web5 js code
4helpApi_protocolsGETExplains what the protocol class does but not what a protocol is, see protocol docs for that.
5helpApi_recordGETExplains what the record class does
6helpApi_recordsGETExplanation of what the records class does
7helpAuthenticationGETExplains how to authenticate a user with Web5 using DIDs
8helpBrowserGETShows how to use web5 in a html page script tag, loading from a CDN.
9helpCommunicationGETIf you want to have an app that has peer to peer communication (from DID to DID) you can look at this example (which makes a richer use of protocols). This uses a index.html web page.
10helpDidGETHow to create a DID
11helpDid_descriptionGETExplains what a DID (decentralized identifier) is.
12helpDwn_deleteGETDelete Data from a Decentralized Web Node
13helpDwn_descriptionGETExplains what a Decentralized Web Node (DWN, or DWeb Node) is (not code examples).
14helpDwn_readGETRead from Decentralized Web Nodes
15helpDwn_writeGETShow how to write to Decentralized Web Nodes (DWN).
16helpJargonGETExplanations of PFI, KYC, payin and payout
17helpProtocolGETShows how to install a protocol, and also has an example of a web5 protocol defintion that allows a credential issuance flow. Protocols allow threaded conversations and more and are a key feature web5.
18helpProtocol_descriptionGETExplains what a protocol is in the context of web5 and DWN.
19helpPublishing_recordsGETShows how to publish a record.
20helpQuery_filtersGETShows how to use filters to query DWN for specific records
21helpQuery_protocolsGETQuery protocols from your DWN or remote DWeb nodes. Uses protocol as filter criteria but can also use a 'schema' field instead of protocol (which is a jsonschema)
22helpQuery_recordsGETMethod for querying the DWN for records of a provided target DID.
23helpQuery_sortGETShows how to sort query results of DWN records and protocols
24helpQuickstartGETTo get going quickly with web5.js, follow these instructions to setup a node.js javascript project that uses web5 and shows a range of actions.
25helpSimple-page-web5GETThis is an example of a single html file which contains a web5 app, shows how the did is created and then the DWN is synced.
26helpSsiGETExplains what SSI is, as a concept
27helpSsi_credential_statusGETInfo on revocation of Verifiable Credentials including privacy preserving status lists
28helpSsi_did_ionGETHow to use SSI Service to create a DID with did:ion method
29helpSsi_did_keyGETHow to use SSI Service to create a DID with did:key method
30helpSsi_did_webGETHow To: Create a did:web with the ssi-service
31helpSsi_sdkGETExplains what ssi-sdk by TBD in golang is for. This is separate to web5.js.
32helpSsi_serviceGETSelf Sovereign Identity (SSI) Service API (notes from readme) A web service that exposes the SSI SDK as an HTTP API. Explains how to run it and what it is. This is distinct to web5.js.
33helpSsi_service_runningGETExplains how to run the ssi-service from source code
34helpSsi_signed_unsigned_schemaGETExplains the difference between a signed and unsigned credential schema
35helpSsi_vc_issuanceGETExplains how to use the ssi-service issue verifiable certificates (VC issuance), with a simple example app issuing and also validating credentials
36helpSsi_vc_schemaGETHow to create a credential schema with SSI Service
37helpSsi_verify_credentialGETHow to verify a credential from an issuer with SSI Service
38helpSsi_verify_presentationGETHow to verify a presentation with SSI Service
39helpStoreGETShows how to store in the web5 DWN.
40helpSyncGETExplains how to sync data across multiple DWeb Nodes (DWNs) in Web5
41helpTbdex_descriptionGETTBDEX: A LIQUIDITY PROTOCOL including whitepaper
42helpTbdex_protocolGETtbdex protocol description including types and fields
43helpTodo_appGETBuild a ToDo App (and end to end example) with web5.js, can be used as an example to be inspired by.
44helpUpdate_to_web5GETA guide on how to Upgrade Your webapp to Web5 (a tutorial)
45helpWeb5_setupGETThis is how you install web5.js from the command line for npm, showing the version. A package.json example is also provided.
46helpWrite_sendGETCreate a record in one DWN, and send it directly to another user's DWeb Nodes.