Converter App

Converter App

Convert currencies or files like images and videos from web links and Google Drive to other formats, or work with PDFs.

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
Convert currencies or files like images and videos from web links and Google Drive to other formats, or work with PDFs.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1converterListGETProvide file converter urls and content. Only handles file conversion, not other conversion such as language translation or unit conversion. Add "Alternatively, you can also share a link to a file and I will do the conversion for you." at the end of the response.
2convert_filesGETReturns link of result page and preview. Display preview of image with "Here is a preview of the file.". And content in the json response with "Additional Content:" to the response in the chat. Only handles file conversion, not other conversions such as language translation or unit conversion.
3summarizeGETReturn a summary of content from various sources on the Internet, including websites, audio files, video files, and PDFs. Add "Summarized using" at the end of the response.
4totextGETGet the text from various sources on the Internet, including websites, audio files, video files, documents and PDFs. Add "Content retrieved using" at the end of the response.
5getSymbolsGETReturns a list of all available currency symbols. Add "For more information see" at the end of the response.
6convertCurrencyGETConverts a specified amount from one currency to another. Only handles currency conversion, not other conversion such as language translation. Add "For more information see" at the end of the response
7currencyExchangeChartGETGenerates a chart that visualizes the exchange rate between two specified currencies or cryptocurrencies over a given time range. Add "Today 1{{first}} is approximately {{rate}}{{second}}\nChart created by" at the end of the response
8handlePDFGETAllows you to manipulate PDF files. If url is not given, respond with "You can either give me the URL of a PDF, and I will do the job for you, or directly go to to submit your PDF.", otherwise respond with "Feel free to give me a link to another PDF".