Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates delivers real-time and historical data, enabling conversion and tracking for over 170 currencies.

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
The Exchange Rates Data API provides real-time and historical exchange rates for over 170 currencies, supports currency conversion, offers daily historical data for specified periods, returns fluctuation data between dates, and lists all available currencies.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1convertCurrencyGETCurrency conversion endpoint, which can be used to convert any amount from one currency to another. In order to convert currencies, please use the API's convert endpoint, append the from and to parameters and set them to your preferred base and target currency codes.
2getFluctuationGETGet currency fluctuation data between specified dates. The data can be for all available currencies or for a specific set of currencies. It's useful for applications that need to track the volatility of exchange rates.
3getRealtimeRateGETGet real-time exchange rate
4getCurrenciesGETGet all available currencies
5getTimeseriesGETGet historical rates for a time frame
6getHistoricalRateGETGet historical rates for a specific date