

Enables to access web pages, analyze PDFs, generate QR codes, etc.

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
Enables to access web pages, analyze PDFs, generate QR codes, etc.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1HackerOneLeaderboardGETHackerOne platform ranks hacker rankings by country code, if the user does not specify a country code please tell me the user's current country code.
2DouyinHotSearchGETDouyin Hot Search, Douyin Live News
3WeiboHotSearchGETWeibo Hot Search, Weibo Live News
4ToolQrCodeGETGenerate QR code based on the input
5ToolTimeGETIt just returns the current time information and does not contain any other information except the time information. It should be called only when the user asks for the time.
6ToolVisitWebPOSTallows users to input a URL, retrieves the web page content, and returns a comprehensible summary of it.