

You can test your webapp without writing a single line of code by just giving the URL

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
You can test your webapp without writing a single line of code by just giving the URL

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1trigger_web_test_fun_execute_test_postPOSTGets URL and triggers web app testing agent and acknowledges the start of the agent by returning the test_reference_id
2generate_scenarios_fun_generate_scenarios_postPOSTGets URL and triggers web app testing agent and acknowledges the start of the agent generating the scenarios for the url by returning the test_reference_id
3get_scenarios_fun_get_scenarios_postPOSTGets URL and triggers web app testing agent and acknowledges the start of the agent by returning the test_reference_id
4get_steps_fun_get_steps_postPOSTGets URL and triggers web app testing agent and acknowledges the start of the agent by returning the test_reference_id
5get_execution_status_fun_get_execution_status_postPOSTGets the test_reference_id and gives out the status of the automated test run and displays the screenshot using the s3 URL provided