A Code Library Help

A Code Library Help

Write code and answer questions using Python libraries (e.g Openai, Twilio, etc). Can answer version specific questions.

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
Used for answering questions about Python library's and SDK's documentation and searches code for relevant snippets. Use this tool EVERY time the user asks about a specific libaray (e.g. langchain, openai, twilio, weaviate, etc) or you want to find related code from a python library or documentation for a given user question.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1code_search_code_search_getGETSearches libraries for potentially relevant sections of code and documentation. Library examples: 'langchain', 'twilio', 'openai', 'weaviate'. Version examples: '1.4.43', '2.0.17', '3.2.10'.
2list_libraries_list_libraries_getGETLists the currently supported libaries.
3add_libarary_add_library_postPOSTAllows users to request a library be added to the search engine. They will be asked for confirmation via email, so they must use a real email.