

ChatMoney is a plugin for managing your finances.

Name For Model
Update Date
6 months ago
Description For Model
ChatMoney is a plugin for managing your finances by accessing data from your bank. The API endpoints on this plugin provide access to the user's financial data from their bank account. The plugin should be able to read their financial data (e.g. credit card transactions) and provide high-level guidance or summary. The /accounts endpoint returns the connected institutions. An institution can have multiple bank accounts (think checking, savings, etc...). The /transactions endpoint accepts a bank connection id and returns all of the transactions for each account linked to the bank connection (e.g. for a bank of america connection, it would return all of the accounts for their checking and savings account underneath that bank). The transactions endpoint is a "secured" endpoint. A secured endpoint is meant to mitigate cross-plugin request forgery. You only need to follow this protocol if the `isCPRFEnabled` flag is set to True in the /accounts API response. The protocol is as follows: 1. When a user requests to pull transactions from a specific bank, you should first call the /accounts endpoint to get the connected institution ID for the specified bank. 2. This step is extremely crucial, please follow exactly: Once you have the institution ID, you should prompt the user to authorize the data access by providing them with the authorization URL: IN THE SAME RESPONSE where you provide the authorization URL, you should immediately make the API request to the /transactions endpoint using the institution ID. 4. The ChatMoney API will then wait for up to 45 seconds for the user to authorize the request before returning a response. 5. Once the user authorizes the request, you will receive the transaction data in the API response.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1getTransactionsPOSTRetreive transactions for all of the accounts belonging to a given connectedInstitutionId. Returns both account balances and transactions.
2getBankAccountsGETGet all connected institutions. This operation also returns account IDs, this is for chat GPT internal use only, don't give this to the user. This will be used to get additional details about a bank account (e.g. like transactions).