

Unofficial tool for GitLab CI/CD workflows. Streamlines merge request reviews, pipeline debugging, and more.

Name For Model
Update Date
6 months ago
Description For Model
GitAIOps is an unofficial solution that enables interaction with GitLab CI/CD workflows. It can be used to review merge requests, debug pipeline errors, update merge request descriptions, and more.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1gitlab_trace_logGETRetrieve a GitLab project's job trace log. Provide project ID, job ID, page number, and characters per page. Always check pagination in the response for more data.
2gitlab_merge_request_diffGETGet a GitLab project's merge request diff. Provide project ID, merge request ID, page number, and change files per page. Also specify diff page number and diff characters per page for diff content pagination. Always check both pagination details in the response for more data.
3gitlab_graphql_apiPOSTTo execute a GraphQL query on the GitLab API, provide a GraphQLQuery object with the query string. The result will be the response from the GitLab API.
4gitlab_rest_apiPOSTMake a REST API request to GitLab. Provide a RestQuery with endpoint, method, and optional data. The response will be JSON parsed as a dictionary or raw text.