

Get real-time and historical market data, including asset prices, news, research, and comprehensive financial analysis.

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Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
Realtime & historical financial markets data: company, coin, & stock prices; financial data, research, analysis, & news.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1getHistoricBarGETGet historic stock data for a specific date in the past. Format endDateTime variable according to 'm/d/YYYY hh:mm aaa', example '4/4/2023 10:00 am'. If time is not specified, default it to 4:00 pm.
2getInstrumentListGETGet realtime detailed asset info like: fundamentals, earnings reports, calls and outlooks, analyst ratings and commentary, financials, revenue, margin, sales, etc
3getInstrumentListDetailsFundamentalGETMarket cap, pe ratio, ebitda, dividend yield, and other key asset fundamentals
4getInstrumentListEarningsGETEarnings transcripts for all stocks for the last 3 years, including all speakers. Returns excerpts from earnings calls. Ask a query in natural language including the symbol and quarter.
5getInstrumentListEarningsEstimatesGETNumeric info on last 4 quarters of earnings estimates and actuals, inclduing the current quarter estimate
6getInstrumentListDetailsCompanyProfileGETCompany information including name, location, executives, comapny logo etc.
7getInstrumentListDetailsEtfFundamentalGETFundamental info for ETFs - type, trailing returns, expense ratio, prospectus link for more info
8getInstrumentListDetailsFinancialsGETLatest quarterly finanicals: Income statement, Balance sheet, and Cash flows (ex revenue, profit, margins, etc.)
9getInstrumentListHyperchartsGETHistorical quarterly financials for the company - Income statement, balance sheet, cash flows as well as other company-specific metrics.
10getInstrumentListAnalysisGETHelpful for questions like 'Should I buy...' 'Should I invest in...' 'What are the opinions on...'
11getInstrumentListAdvancedCryptoDataGETCrypto fundamentals - volume, transactions, active addresses etc.
12getQuotesGETRealtime stock, etf, crypto price quotes, including bid, ask, close, open, price changes. For crypto, format symbols with -CRYPTO suffix in lieu of -USD. For example, bitcoin is BTC-CRYPTO
13getMovingStockPostGETWhy is it moving stock post for a given symbol
14getStockNewsGETThe symbol path variable can be either a stock or crypto symbol (e.g. AAPL or BTC-CRYPTO).
15getTopMoversGETList of assets with highest gain/loss (movement) in the market today
16assetQueryTopGainersGETTop gainers by percent change in the market today
17assetQueryTopLosersGETTop losers by percent change in the market today
18assetQueryHighest1DayVolumeGETAssets with the highest trading volume today
19assetQueryLargestDailyVolumeDeviationGETAssets with the most unusual trading volume today (ie highest deviation from average volume)
20assetQueryMax52WeeksPriceUsdGETAssets at their 52-week high
21assetQueryMin52WeeksPriceUsdGETAssets at their 52-week low