Hauling Buddies

Hauling Buddies

Locate dependable animal transporters using recommendations, reviews, and regulatory compliance search features.

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
Find reliable animal transporters in your vicinity using ChatGPT. Request recommendations, read reviews, and access contact details of local animal transporters. Additionally, search for transporters' USDA certificates database by Name or APHIS number, and FMCSA database by DOT Number or company name, ensuring they comply with necessary regulations.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1searchTransporterByNameGETSearch for animal transporters by name
2searchTransportersByAddressGETSearch for animal transporters near a specific address
3searchTransportersByAddressAndTransportTypesGETGet a list of verified companies and their contact information for a specific animal type and address
4searchUSDACertificatesByNameOrAPHISNumberGETSearch the USDA certificates database by Name or APHIS number
5searchFMCSAbyDOTNumberGETSearch the FMCSA database by DOT Number
6searchFMCSAbyNameGETSearch the FMCSA database by company name


What is Hauling Buddies?

Hauling Buddies is a plugin that helps users find reliable animal transporters in their vicinity using ChatGPT.

What are the features of Hauling Buddies?

The features of Hauling Buddies include requesting recommendations, reading reviews, accessing contact details of local animal transporters, searching for transporters' USDA certificates database by Name or APHIS number, and FMCSA database by DOT Number or company name.

How does Hauling Buddies work?

Hauling Buddies works by allowing users to search for animal transporters in their area, read reviews, and access contact details. Users can also search for transporters' USDA certificates database by Name or APHIS number, and FMCSA database by DOT Number or company name.

What is the benefit of using Hauling Buddies?

The benefit of using Hauling Buddies is that users can find reliable animal transporters in their area and ensure that they comply with necessary regulations.

Is Hauling Buddies free to use?

The pricing of Hauling Buddies is not mentioned in the description.

Is Hauling Buddies available worldwide?

The availability of Hauling Buddies is not mentioned in the description.

What kind of animals can be transported using Hauling Buddies?

The description of Hauling Buddies does not mention any specific kind of animals that can be transported using the plugin.

Is Hauling Buddies affiliated with any animal transport companies?

The description of Hauling Buddies does not mention any affiliation with animal transport companies.

How can users leave reviews on Hauling Buddies?

The description of Hauling Buddies does not mention the process of leaving reviews on the plugin.

Is Hauling Buddies user-friendly?

The user-friendliness of Hauling Buddies is not mentioned in the description.