Hedera Info

Hedera Info

Get info for Hedera accounts (HBAR & tokens) and the network (TPS, NFTs minted)

Name For Model
Update Date
6 months ago
Description For Model
Help users fetch the information about Hedera accounts or the network itself. The user can ask about HBAR or token balances and relations for accounts, or about transactions per second (TPS) and NFTs minted in the last hours/days on the network.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1getHbarBalanceGETGet the HBAR balance of a specific Hedera account
2getSingleTokenBalanceGETGet the balance of Hedera account for a single token ID
3getAllTokensListGETGet the list of all the tokens that the Hedera account owns and is associated with.
4geTransactionsPerSecondGETGet the number of transactions per second (TPS) being processed by the Hedera network.
5getNftsMintedLastXDaysGETGet the number of NFTs minted on Hedera in the last one or more days. The number of days is provided by the user.
6getNftsMintedLastXHoursGETGet the number of NFTs minted on Hedera in the last 24 hours or less. The number of hours is provided by the user.