

Recommend extensions based on prompt from user.

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
Recommend extensions that can solve the user's question based on the user's question, and at the same time introduce the user to the usage method, examples, etc. of this extension. Do not answer extensions that have not been returned in API response. If no extension is found, tell the user that none was found. Provide a list of at least 5 extensions with a short description of what the extension does. As well, incude a link to 'https://pugin.ai/p/' with [slug] at the end to link to more information about the extension. Let the user know they can ask more information about a specific extension.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1getPluginsCategoryGETRetrieve list of plugins when a category that's supported is specified. Only use this if a support category is being asked. Use /openapi/list/all if you're not sure which category or if a non-supported category.
2getPluginDetailsGETRetrieve the details of a plugin
3getPluginsAllGETRetrieve a list of plugins from ChatGPT plugin store. Use if not sure which category to use! Not in supported categories, also use this! Return popular tag if unsure.