

Information about Norwegian grocery prices, nutritional and ingredient information.

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
Information about Norwegian grocery prices, nutritional and ingredient information.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1healthCheckGETChecks if the Kassalapp API is working
2searchPhysicalStoresGETUseful for finding a grocery store by name, location or based on the group (grocery store chain), returns name, address, contact information and opening hours for each store.
3findPhysicalStoreByIdGETFinds a grocery store by ID. returns name, address, contact information and opening hours for the store store.
4searchProductsGETUseful for searching for groceries and various product to find the price, ingredients and nutritional information
5findProductByIdGETGets a specific product by id, returns the product price, nutritional information, ingredients, allergens for the product.
6findProductByEanBarcodeGETGets a specific product by EAN (barcode) number, returns the product price, nutritional information, ingredients, allergens for the product.
7findProductByUrlGETWill look up product information based on an URL, returns the product price, nutritional information, ingredients, allergens for the product.
8findProductsByUrlGETWill look up product information based on an URL, and return all matching prices from other stores that stock that item.
9listAllShoppinglistsGETRetrieves a collection of shopping lists associated with the authenticated user.
10createShoppingListPOSTCreates a new shopping list for the authenticated user based on the provided data.
11showShoppingListGETRetrieves a specific shopping list.
12updateShoppingListPATCHUpdates the data of a specific shopping list owned by the authenticated user.
13deleteShoppingListDELETEDeletes a specific shopping list owned by the authenticated user.
14shoppingListItem.storePOSTAdd an item to an existing shopping list by id, specify the product id and an optional "text" field, in the kassalapp website the "text" field is simply the product name, but in the API it does not have to be that, it can also be left blank if not required.
15shoppingListItem.updatePATCHUpdate an item in the shopping list, you can change the "text", or the "checked" field.
16shoppingListItem.destroyDELETERemoves an item from the shopping list by id.
17listAllWebhooksGETRetrieves a collection of webhooks associated with the authenticated user.
18webhook.storePOSTCreate and store a new webhook associated with the authenticated user. Use the provided data from the request to set the webhook's properties.
19webhook.updatePATCHUpdate the properties of an existing webhook based on the provided request data. Ensure that the webhook to be updated belongs to the authenticated user.
20webhook.destroyDELETERemove an existing webhook from the system. Ensure that the webhook to be deleted belongs to the authenticated user.