Plugin for interacting with CAD files and models.
- Name For Model
- kittycad
- Website
- kittycad.io
- Try on ChatGPT
- Open ChatGPT and Search the plugin name
- Update Date
- 2 years ago
- Contact
- [email protected]
- Description For Model
- Plugin for interacting with CAD files and models.
Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)
Operation Id | HTTP Method | Description | |
1 | get_schema | GET | Get OpenAPI schema. |
2 | get_ai_plugin_manifest | GET | Get AI plugin manifest. |
3 | get_metadata | GET | This includes information on any of our other distributed systems it is connected to. You must be a KittyCAD employee to perform this request. |
4 | options_create_image_to_3d | OPTIONS | This is necessary for some preflight requests, specifically POST, PUT, and DELETE. |
5 | create_image_to_3d | POST | This is an alpha endpoint. It will change in the future. The current output is honestly pretty bad. So if you find this endpoint, you get what you pay for, which currently is nothing. But in the future will be made a lot better. |
6 | options_create_text_to_3d | OPTIONS | This is necessary for some preflight requests, specifically POST, PUT, and DELETE. |
7 | create_text_to_3d | POST | This is an alpha endpoint. It will change in the future. The current output is honestly pretty bad. So if you find this endpoint, you get what you pay for, which currently is nothing. But in the future will be made a lot better. |
8 | get_api_call_metrics | GET | This endpoint requires authentication by a KittyCAD employee. The API calls are grouped by the parameter passed. |
9 | list_api_calls | GET | This endpoint requires authentication by a KittyCAD employee. The API calls are returned in order of creation, with the most recently created API calls first. |
10 | get_api_call | GET | This endpoint requires authentication by any KittyCAD user. It returns details of the requested API call for the user. If the user is not authenticated to view the specified API call, then it is not returned. Only KittyCAD employees can view API calls for other users. |
11 | apps_github_callback | GET | This is different than OAuth 2.0 authentication for users. This endpoint grants access for KittyCAD to access user's repos. The user doesn't need KittyCAD OAuth authorization for this endpoint, this is purely for the GitHub permissions to access repos. |
12 | apps_github_consent | GET | This is different than OAuth 2.0 authentication for users. This endpoint grants access for KittyCAD to access user's repos. The user doesn't need KittyCAD OAuth authorization for this endpoint, this is purely for the GitHub permissions to access repos. |
13 | options_apps_github_webhook | OPTIONS | This is necessary for some preflight requests, specifically POST, PUT, and DELETE. |
14 | apps_github_webhook | POST | These come from the GitHub app. |
15 | list_async_operations | GET | For async file conversion operations, this endpoint does not return the contents of converted files (`output`). To get the contents use the `/async/operations/{id}` endpoint. This endpoint requires authentication by a KittyCAD employee. |
16 | get_async_operation | GET | Get the status and output of an async operation. This endpoint requires authentication by any KittyCAD user. It returns details of the requested async operation for the user. If the user is not authenticated to view the specified async operation, then it is not returned. |
17 | options_auth_email | OPTIONS | This is necessary for some preflight requests, specifically POST, PUT, and DELETE. |
18 | auth_email | POST | Create an email verification request for a user. |
19 | auth_email_callback | GET | Listen for callbacks for email verification for users. |
20 | get_physics_constant | GET | Get a physics constant. |
21 | options_create_file_center_of_mass | OPTIONS | This is necessary for some preflight requests, specifically POST, PUT, and DELETE. |
22 | create_file_center_of_mass | POST | Get the center of mass of an object in a CAD file. If the file is larger than 25MB, it will be performed asynchronously. |
23 | options_create_file_conversion | OPTIONS | This is necessary for some preflight requests, specifically POST, PUT, and DELETE. |
24 | create_file_conversion | POST | Convert a CAD file from one format to another. If the file being converted is larger than 25MB, it will be performed asynchronously. If the conversion is performed synchronously, the contents of the converted file (`output`) will be returned as a base64 encoded string. |
25 | options_create_file_density | OPTIONS | This is necessary for some preflight requests, specifically POST, PUT, and DELETE. |
26 | create_file_density | POST | Get the density of an object in a CAD file. If the file is larger than 25MB, it will be performed asynchronously. |
27 | options_create_file_execution | OPTIONS | This is necessary for some preflight requests, specifically POST, PUT, and DELETE. |
28 | create_file_execution | POST | Execute a KittyCAD program in a specific language. |
29 | options_create_file_mass | OPTIONS | This is necessary for some preflight requests, specifically POST, PUT, and DELETE. |
30 | create_file_mass | POST | Get the mass of an object in a CAD file. If the file is larger than 25MB, it will be performed asynchronously. |
31 | options_create_file_surface_area | OPTIONS | This is necessary for some preflight requests, specifically POST, PUT, and DELETE. |
32 | create_file_surface_area | POST | Get the surface area of an object in a CAD file. If the file is larger than 25MB, it will be performed asynchronously. |
33 | options_create_file_volume | OPTIONS | This is necessary for some preflight requests, specifically POST, PUT, and DELETE. |
34 | create_file_volume | POST | Get the volume of an object in a CAD file. If the file is larger than 25MB, it will be performed asynchronously. |
35 | options_logout | OPTIONS | This is necessary for some preflight requests, specifically POST, PUT, and DELETE. |
36 | logout | POST | This is used in logout scenarios. |
37 | options_cmd | OPTIONS | This is necessary for some preflight requests, specifically POST, PUT, and DELETE. |
38 | cmd | POST | Response depends on which command was submitted, so unfortunately the OpenAPI schema can't generate the right response type. |
39 | options_cmd_batch | OPTIONS | This is necessary for some preflight requests, specifically POST, PUT, and DELETE. |
40 | cmd_batch | POST | Submit many modeling operations. |
41 | options_device_auth_request | OPTIONS | This is necessary for some preflight requests, specifically POST, PUT, and DELETE. |
42 | device_auth_request | POST | This endpoint is designed to be accessed from an *unauthenticated* API client. It generates and records a `device_code` and `user_code` which must be verified and confirmed prior to a token being granted. |
43 | options_device_auth_confirm | OPTIONS | This is necessary for some preflight requests, specifically POST, PUT, and DELETE. |
44 | device_auth_confirm | POST | This endpoint is designed to be accessed by the user agent (browser), not the client requesting the token. So we do not actually return the token here; it will be returned in response to the poll on `/oauth2/device/token`. |
45 | options_device_access_token | OPTIONS | This is necessary for some preflight requests, specifically POST, PUT, and DELETE. |
46 | device_access_token | POST | This endpoint should be polled by the client until the user code is verified and the grant is confirmed. |
47 | device_auth_verify | GET | Verify an OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant. |
48 | oauth2_provider_callback | GET | Listen for callbacks for the OAuth 2.0 provider. |
49 | oauth2_provider_consent | GET | Get the consent URL and other information for the OAuth 2.0 provider. |
50 | get_openai_schema | GET | This is the same as the OpenAPI schema, BUT it has some modifications to make it compatible with OpenAI. For example, descriptions must be < 300 chars. |
51 | ping | GET | Return pong. |
52 | get_acceleration_unit_conversion | GET | Convert an acceleration unit value to another acceleration unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
53 | get_angle_unit_conversion | GET | Convert an angle unit value to another angle unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
54 | get_angular_velocity_unit_conversion | GET | Convert an angular velocity unit value to another angular velocity unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
55 | get_area_unit_conversion | GET | Convert an area unit value to another area unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
56 | get_charge_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a charge unit value to another charge unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
57 | get_concentration_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a concentration unit value to another concentration unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
58 | get_data_transfer_rate_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a data transfer rate unit value to another data transfer rate unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
59 | get_data_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a data unit value to another data unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
60 | get_density_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a density unit value to another density unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
61 | get_energy_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a energy unit value to another energy unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
62 | get_force_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a force unit value to another force unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
63 | get_illuminance_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a illuminance unit value to another illuminance unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
64 | get_length_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a length unit value to another length unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
65 | get_magnetic_field_strength_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a magnetic field strength unit value to another magnetic field strength unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
66 | get_magnetic_flux_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a magnetic flux unit value to another magnetic flux unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
67 | get_mass_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a mass unit value to another mass unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
68 | get_metric_power_cubed_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a metric cubed unit value to another metric cubed unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
69 | get_metric_power_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a metric unit value to another metric unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
70 | get_metric_power_squared_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a metric squared unit value to another metric squared unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
71 | get_power_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a power unit value to another power unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
72 | get_pressure_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a pressure unit value to another pressure unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
73 | get_radiation_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a radiation unit value to another radiation unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
74 | get_radioactivity_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a radioactivity unit value to another radioactivity unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
75 | get_solid_angle_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a solid angle unit value to another solid angle unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
76 | get_temperature_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a temperature unit value to another temperature unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
77 | get_time_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a time unit value to another time unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
78 | get_velocity_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a velocity unit value to another velocity unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
79 | get_voltage_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a voltage unit value to another voltage unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
80 | get_volume_unit_conversion | GET | Convert a volume unit value to another volume unit value. This is a nice endpoint to use for helper functions. |
81 | delete_user_self | DELETE | This endpoint requires authentication by any KittyCAD user. It deletes the authenticated user from KittyCAD's database. This call will only succeed if all invoices associated with the user have been paid in full and there is no outstanding balance. |
82 | get_user_self | GET | Get the user information for the authenticated user. Alternatively, you can also use the `/users/me` endpoint. |
83 | options_user_self | OPTIONS | This is necessary for some preflight requests, specifically POST, PUT, and DELETE. |
84 | update_user_self | PUT | This endpoint requires authentication by any KittyCAD user. It updates information about the authenticated user. |
85 | user_list_api_calls | GET | This endpoint requires authentication by any KittyCAD user. It returns the API calls for the authenticated user. The API calls are returned in order of creation, with the most recently created API calls first. |
86 | get_api_call_for_user | GET | This endpoint requires authentication by any KittyCAD user. It returns details of the requested API call for the user. |
87 | list_api_tokens_for_user | GET | This endpoint requires authentication by any KittyCAD user. It returns the API tokens for the authenticated user. The API tokens are returned in order of creation, with the most recently created API tokens first. |
88 | options_create_api_token_for_user | OPTIONS | This is necessary for some preflight requests, specifically POST, PUT, and DELETE. |
89 | create_api_token_for_user | POST | This endpoint requires authentication by any KittyCAD user. It creates a new API token for the authenticated user. |
90 | delete_api_token_for_user | DELETE | This endpoint requires authentication by any KittyCAD user. It deletes the requested API token for the user. This endpoint does not actually delete the API token from the database. It merely marks the token as invalid. We still want to keep the token in the database for historical purposes. |
91 | get_api_token_for_user | GET | This endpoint requires authentication by any KittyCAD user. It returns details of the requested API token for the user. |
92 | options_api_token_for_user | OPTIONS | This is necessary for some preflight requests, specifically POST, PUT, and DELETE. |
93 | get_user_self_extended | GET | Get the user information for the authenticated user. Alternatively, you can also use the `/users-extended/me` endpoint. |
94 | get_user_front_hash_self | GET | This info is sent to front when initialing the front chat, it prevents impersonations using js hacks in the browser |
95 | get_user_onboarding_self | GET | Checks key part of their api usage to determine their onboarding progress |
96 | delete_payment_information_for_user | DELETE | This includes billing address, phone, and name. This endpoint requires authentication by any KittyCAD user. It deletes the payment information for the authenticated user. |
97 | get_payment_information_for_user | GET | This includes billing address, phone, and name. This endpoint requires authentication by any KittyCAD user. It gets the payment information for the authenticated user. |
98 | options_payment_information_for_user | OPTIONS | This is necessary for some preflight requests, specifically POST, PUT, and DELETE. |
99 | create_payment_information_for_user | POST | This includes billing address, phone, and name. This endpoint requires authentication by any KittyCAD user. It creates the payment information for the authenticated user. |
100 | update_payment_information_for_user | PUT | This includes billing address, phone, and name. This endpoint requires authentication by any KittyCAD user. It updates the payment information for the authenticated user. |
101 | get_payment_balance_for_user | GET | This endpoint requires authentication by any KittyCAD user. It gets the balance information for the authenticated user. |
102 | options_create_payment_intent_for_user | OPTIONS | This is necessary for some preflight requests, specifically POST, PUT, and DELETE. |
103 | create_payment_intent_for_user | POST | This endpoint requires authentication by any KittyCAD user. It creates a new payment intent for the authenticated user. |
104 | list_invoices_for_user | GET | This endpoint requires authentication by any KittyCAD user. It lists invoices for the authenticated user. |
105 | list_payment_methods_for_user | GET | This endpoint requires authentication by any KittyCAD user. It lists payment methods for the authenticated user. |
106 | delete_payment_method_for_user | DELETE | This endpoint requires authentication by any KittyCAD user. It deletes the specified payment method for the authenticated user. |
107 | options_payment_methods_for_user | OPTIONS | This is necessary for some preflight requests, specifically POST, PUT, and DELETE. |
108 | validate_customer_tax_information_for_user | GET | This endpoint requires authentication by any KittyCAD user. It will return an error if the customer's information is not valid for automatic tax. Otherwise, it will return an empty successful response. |
109 | get_session_for_user | GET | This endpoint requires authentication by any KittyCAD user. It returns details of the requested API token for the user. |
110 | list_users | GET | This endpoint required authentication by a KittyCAD employee. The users are returned in order of creation, with the most recently created users first. |
111 | list_users_extended | GET | This endpoint required authentication by a KittyCAD employee. The users are returned in order of creation, with the most recently created users first. |
112 | get_user_extended | GET | To get information about yourself, use `/users-extended/me` as the endpoint. By doing so you will get the user information for the authenticated user. Alternatively, to get information about the authenticated user, use `/user/extended` endpoint. |
113 | get_user | GET | To get information about yourself, use `/users/me` as the endpoint. By doing so you will get the user information for the authenticated user. Alternatively, to get information about the authenticated user, use `/user` endpoint. |
114 | list_api_calls_for_user | GET | This endpoint requires authentication by any KittyCAD user. It returns the API calls for the authenticated user if "me" is passed as the user id. Alternatively, you can use the `/user/api-calls` endpoint to get the API calls for your user. If the authenticated user is a KittyCAD employee, then the A |
115 | create_executor_term | GET | Attach to a docker container to create an interactive terminal. |
116 | modeling_commands_ws | GET | Pass those commands to the engine via websocket, and pass responses back to the client. Basically, this is a websocket proxy between the frontend/client and the engine. |
What is KittyCAD?
Plugin for interacting with CAD files and models.
What are the features of KittyCAD?
KittyCAD allows users to import and export CAD files, view and manipulate 3D models, and create new designs.
What file formats does KittyCAD support?
KittyCAD supports various file formats including DWG, DXF, STL, OBJ, and 3DS.
Is KittyCAD compatible with all CAD software?
KittyCAD is compatible with most CAD software including AutoCAD, SolidWorks, and SketchUp.
Can I use KittyCAD for 2D designs?
Yes, KittyCAD can be used for both 2D and 3D designs.
Does KittyCAD have any limitations on the size of files it can handle?
KittyCAD can handle files of any size, but larger files may take longer to load and manipulate.
Is KittyCAD easy to use for beginners?
KittyCAD has a user-friendly interface and is easy to use for beginners.
Is there a free trial available for KittyCAD?
Yes, a free trial of KittyCAD is available for users to test out the plugin before purchasing.
What is the cost of KittyCAD?
The cost of KittyCAD varies depending on the license type and duration of use. Prices start at $99 for a one-year license.
Is technical support available for KittyCAD?
Yes, technical support is available for KittyCAD users via email or phone.
Can I use KittyCAD for commercial purposes?
Yes, KittyCAD can be used for both personal and commercial purposes.
Is KittyCAD available for Mac and Windows?
Yes, KittyCAD is available for both Mac and Windows operating systems.