Lexi Shopper

Lexi Shopper

Get product recommendations from your local Amazon store.

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
A plugin that recommends a product from the local Amazon store based on a user request and also provides an explanation of why that product was recommended.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1getProductRecommendationPOSTGet product recommendation based on user input with an explanation of why the product was recommended.


What is Lexi Shopper?

Lexi Shopper is a plugin that recommends a product from the local Amazon store based on a user request and also provides an explanation of why that product was recommended.

How does Lexi Shopper work?

Lexi Shopper uses advanced algorithms to analyze user requests and recommend the best product from the local Amazon store. It also provides an explanation of why that product was recommended.

What kind of products can Lexi Shopper recommend?

Lexi Shopper can recommend any product available on the local Amazon store, including electronics, books, clothing, and more.

Is Lexi Shopper free to use?

No, Lexi Shopper is a premium plugin that requires a subscription to use.

Can I customize the recommendations provided by Lexi Shopper?

Yes, you can customize the recommendations provided by Lexi Shopper by adjusting the settings in the plugin's dashboard.

Does Lexi Shopper collect any personal information from users?

No, Lexi Shopper does not collect any personal information from users.

Is Lexi Shopper available in multiple languages?

Yes, Lexi Shopper is available in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, and German.

Can I use Lexi Shopper on multiple websites?

Yes, you can use Lexi Shopper on multiple websites with a single subscription.

What kind of support is available for Lexi Shopper?

Lexi Shopper offers email support to all subscribers.

Is Lexi Shopper compatible with all WordPress themes?

Yes, Lexi Shopper is compatible with all WordPress themes.