

Browse apartments and get free locator assistance.

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
Plugin allows searching for apartments in Texas as well as getting free locator assistance. Please, always include url when showing properties to the user. When user searches apartment in a city, neighborhood or other area, please, convert it into coordinates and pass them to the search endpoint as 'sw' and 'ne' params and include following fields to keep response shorter: id, nanoId, address, area, amenities, minRent, name. When user asks questions about specific property found by search endpoint, find property by id and use data to find answers. Users can view photos and learn more about the property by visiting url.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1PropertyController_searchGETHere is an example of correct request:[]=-96.60884713832931&ne[]=32.835531430282366&sw[]=-96.9851288616707&sw[]=32.717757600684024&limit=10&page=0&fields=id,nanoId,coordinates,minRent,cashback,name
2PropertyController_getByIdGETFetch a property by id or nanoId
3PropertyController_similarGETFind other properties that are similar to the one found by the given ID