

Retrieve data on DeFi protocols and blockchains.

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
Get current and historical stats on DeFi protocols and blockchains. Always display results using markdown tables.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1getProtocolGETGet descriptive information and current stats of a protocol.
2getProtocolTvlGETGet the current TVL of a protocol.
3getTopGainersGETGet the protocols that gained the most TVL.
4getTopGrowersGETGet the protocols that had the highest percentage growth in TVL.
5getTopLosersGETGet the protocols that lost the most TVl.
6getTopShrinkersGETGet the protocols that had the highest percentage loss in terms of TVl.
7getHistoricalProtocolTVLGETGet historical TVL data of a protocl.
8getSlugGETGet the slug most similar to the given text.
9getProtocolFeesGETGet the fees earned by a protocol
10getTopProtocolFeesGETGet the protocols that have earned the most fees.
11getDefiLlamaIDGETGet the DefiLlamaID of a protocol
12getProtocolRevenueGETGet the revenue earned by a protocol
13getTopProtocolRevenueGETGet the protocols that have earned the most revenue.
14getChainTVLGETGet the TVL for a specific chain or L2.
15getChainTVLChangeGETGet the change in TVL for a specific chain or L2 over a given time period.
16getNetBridgeFlowGETGet the net bridge flow for a specific chain or L2 over a given time period.
17getAllNetBridgeFlowsGETGet the net bridge flow for all chains and L2s over a given time period.
18getTopYieldsGETGet the top yielding pools.
19getFeaturesGETGet information about what this plugin can do.
20getFeedbackFormGETGet link to a form where you can give feedback on the plugin.
21getTopChainGainersGETGet the chains that have gained the most TVL.
22getTopChainGrowersGETGet the chains that have the highest percentage growth in TVL
23getTopChainLosersGETGet the chains that have lost the most TVL.
24getTopChainLosersGETGet the chains that the highest percentage loss in TVL.
25getInterestingGETReturns interesting/important data on what is happening on-chain re protocols, chains and yields.