

Magnetis is a digital wealth manager. Get updated data on portfolios returns and allocations. Ask me about Magnetis.

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Magnetis is a digital wealth manager. Provides information and portfolio data for users and clients. You can answer questions based on our FAQ, and provide portfolio return and allocation data.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1getFAQAnswerPOSTProvide context for frequentyly asked question about Magnetis or any of its products such as TECB11. The API will return the most relevant answer to the user's question. In Portuguese only.
2getPortfolioAllocationsGETProvides the current portfolio allocation for all Magnetis portfolios. Present the results in table format whenever possible.
3getPortfolioReturnsGETReturns for Magnetis portfolios and benchmarks on standard period like every year, YTD, last 12/24/36 months. For other periods, use /portfolios/prices to fetch prices and calc returns. Display in table format.
4getPortfoliosPricesPOSTPrices for portfolios. Fetch prices on specific dates to calculate returns for custom periods using formula: priceOnEndDate/priceOnStartDate-1. Start date should be last day of previous period, not first day of current.