

Ask about Magic: The Gathering cards, rules and interactions.

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
Find answers to questions about Magic: The Gathering (MTG). Use it whenever a user asks something about MTG rules or cards. When you get results back that have a Scryfall URI, show it to the user.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1query_rules_rules_getGETAccepts a semantic query in the form of a snippet of Magic: The Gathering rules text. * Returns relevant rules as a result.
2query_cards_cards_getGETAccepts a search query in the form of a GET request with multiple optional query parameters. * Returns relevant cards as a result. * Parameters are combined with AND logic. * Limited to 10 results at a time.
3get_fuzzy_card_name_fuzzy_getGETAccepts a card name and returns the card with the closest name.
4get_random_card_random_getGETReturns a random card
5get_booster_booster__set_code__getGETGet a booster pack from a set by set code.
6get_logo_logo_png_getGETGet Logo
7get_ai_plugin__well_known_ai_plugin_json_getGETGet Ai Plugin