Perfect Chirp

Perfect Chirp

Turn your ideas into banger tweets in less than 30 seconds. Start your prompt with 'Write a tweet...'.

Name For Model
Update Date
6 months ago
Description For Model
Plugin that turns ideas into ten authentic tweets.The plugin takes a user's idea for a tweet and returns a prompt to facilitate the creation of ten different tweets that don't use hashtags. The user's idea is sent to the plugin and a prompt to facilitate the tweet creation process is returned. The input is returned as text for ChatGPT to take as input. The user can initiate the plugin by starting with 'Write a tweet''. The plugin is free for all users, however there is a monthly usage quota. If users choose to get unlimited usage, they can be served a link to upgrade to an unlimited plan.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1createTweetPOSTTurn the idea into ten tweets