Catch Them All
Catch Them All - Catch, Battle, and get information about your favourite Pokemon
- Name For Model
- Catch_Them_All
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- Update Date
- 10 months ago
- Contact
- [email protected]
- Description For Model
- Plugin to the PokeAPI Pokemon API data. The data will include Pokemon JSON data related to Pokemon. Please provide an initial summary of the Pokemon API JSON data, help the user understand it, and highlight anything important.
Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)
Operation Id | HTTP Method | Description | |
1 | getAllPokemon | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
2 | getbulbasaur | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
3 | getcharmander | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
4 | getsquirtle | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
5 | getivysaur | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
6 | getvenusaur | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
7 | getcharmeleon | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
8 | getwartortle | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
9 | getblastoise | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
10 | getcaterpie | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
11 | getmetapod | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
12 | getbutterfree | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
13 | getweedle | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
14 | getkakuna | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
15 | getbeedrill | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
16 | getpidgey | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
17 | getpidgeotto | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
18 | getpidgeot | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
19 | getrattata | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
20 | getraticate | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
21 | getspearow | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
22 | getfearow | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
23 | getekans | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
24 | getarbok | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
25 | getpikachu | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
26 | getraichu | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
27 | getsandshrew | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
28 | getsandslash | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
29 | getnidoran-f | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
30 | getnidorina | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
31 | getnidoqueen | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
32 | getnidoran-m | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
33 | getnidorino | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
34 | getnidoking | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
35 | getclefairy | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
36 | getclefable | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
37 | getvulpix | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
38 | getninetales | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
39 | getjigglypuff | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
40 | getwigglytuff | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
41 | getzubat | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
42 | getgolbat | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
43 | getoddish | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
44 | getgloom | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
45 | getvileplume | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
46 | getparas | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
47 | getparasect | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
48 | getvenonat | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
49 | getvenomoth | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
50 | getdiglett | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
51 | getdugtrio | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
52 | getmeowth | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
53 | getpersian | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
54 | getpsyduck | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
55 | getgolduck | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
56 | getmankey | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
57 | getprimeape | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
58 | getgrowlithe | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
59 | getarcanine | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
60 | getpoliwag | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
61 | getpoliwhirl | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
62 | getpoliwrath | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
63 | getabra | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
64 | getkadabra | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
65 | getalakazam | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
66 | getmachop | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
67 | getmachoke | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
68 | getmachamp | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
69 | getbellsprout | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
70 | getweepinbell | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
71 | getvictreebel | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
72 | gettentacool | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
73 | gettentacruel | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
74 | getgeodude | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
75 | getgraveler | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
76 | getgolem | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
77 | getponyta | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
78 | getrapidash | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
79 | getslowpoke | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
80 | getslowbro | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
81 | getmagnemite | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
82 | getmagneton | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
83 | getfarfetchd | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
84 | getdoduo | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
85 | getdodrio | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
86 | getseel | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
87 | getdewgong | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
88 | getgrimer | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
89 | getmuk | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
90 | getshellder | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
91 | getcloyster | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
92 | getgastly | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
93 | gethaunter | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
94 | getgengar | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
95 | getonix | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
96 | getdrowzee | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
97 | gethypno | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
98 | getkrabby | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
99 | getkingler | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
100 | getvoltorb | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
101 | getelectrode | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
102 | getexeggcute | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
103 | getexeggutor | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
104 | getcubone | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
105 | getmarowak | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
106 | gethitmonlee | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
107 | gethitmonchan | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
108 | getlickitung | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
109 | getkoffing | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
110 | getweezing | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
111 | getrhyhorn | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
112 | getrhydon | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
113 | getchansey | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
114 | gettangela | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
115 | getkangaskhan | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
116 | gethorsea | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
117 | getseadra | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
118 | getgoldeen | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
119 | getseaking | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
120 | getstaryu | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
121 | getstarmie | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
122 | getmr-mime | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
123 | getscyther | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
124 | getjynx | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
125 | getelectabuzz | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
126 | getmagmar | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
127 | getpinsir | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
128 | gettauros | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
129 | getmagikarp | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
130 | getgyarados | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
131 | getlapras | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
132 | getditto | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
133 | geteevee | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
134 | getvaporeon | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
135 | getjolteon | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
136 | getflareon | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
137 | getporygon | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
138 | getomanyte | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
139 | getomastar | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
140 | getkabuto | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
141 | getkabutops | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
142 | getaerodactyl | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
143 | getsnorlax | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
144 | getarticuno | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
145 | getzapdos | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
146 | getmoltres | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
147 | getdratini | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
148 | getdragonair | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
149 | getdragonite | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
150 | getmewtwo | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
151 | getmew | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
152 | getchikorita | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
153 | getbayleef | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
154 | getmeganium | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
155 | getcyndaquil | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
156 | getquilava | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
157 | gettyphlosion | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
158 | gettotodile | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
159 | getcroconaw | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
160 | getferaligatr | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
161 | getsentret | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
162 | getfurret | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
163 | gethoothoot | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
164 | getnoctowl | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
165 | getledyba | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
166 | getledian | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
167 | getspinarak | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
168 | getariados | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
169 | getcrobat | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
170 | getchinchou | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
171 | getlanturn | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
172 | getpichu | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
173 | getcleffa | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
174 | getigglybuff | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
175 | gettogepi | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
176 | gettogetic | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
177 | getnatu | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
178 | getxatu | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
179 | getmareep | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
180 | getflaaffy | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
181 | getampharos | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
182 | getbellossom | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
183 | getmarill | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
184 | getazumarill | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
185 | getsudowoodo | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |
186 | getpolitoed | GET | Retrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API. |