Catch Them All

Catch Them All

Catch Them All - Catch, Battle, and get information about your favourite Pokemon

Name For Model
Update Date
10 months ago
Description For Model
Plugin to the PokeAPI Pokemon API data. The data will include Pokemon JSON data related to Pokemon. Please provide an initial summary of the Pokemon API JSON data, help the user understand it, and highlight anything important.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1getAllPokemonGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
2getbulbasaurGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
3getcharmanderGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
4getsquirtleGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
5getivysaurGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
6getvenusaurGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
7getcharmeleonGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
8getwartortleGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
9getblastoiseGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
10getcaterpieGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
11getmetapodGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
12getbutterfreeGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
13getweedleGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
14getkakunaGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
15getbeedrillGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
16getpidgeyGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
17getpidgeottoGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
18getpidgeotGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
19getrattataGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
20getraticateGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
21getspearowGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
22getfearowGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
23getekansGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
24getarbokGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
25getpikachuGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
26getraichuGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
27getsandshrewGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
28getsandslashGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
29getnidoran-fGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
30getnidorinaGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
31getnidoqueenGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
32getnidoran-mGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
33getnidorinoGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
34getnidokingGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
35getclefairyGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
36getclefableGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
37getvulpixGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
38getninetalesGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
39getjigglypuffGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
40getwigglytuffGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
41getzubatGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
42getgolbatGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
43getoddishGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
44getgloomGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
45getvileplumeGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
46getparasGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
47getparasectGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
48getvenonatGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
49getvenomothGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
50getdiglettGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
51getdugtrioGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
52getmeowthGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
53getpersianGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
54getpsyduckGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
55getgolduckGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
56getmankeyGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
57getprimeapeGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
58getgrowlitheGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
59getarcanineGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
60getpoliwagGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
61getpoliwhirlGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
62getpoliwrathGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
63getabraGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
64getkadabraGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
65getalakazamGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
66getmachopGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
67getmachokeGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
68getmachampGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
69getbellsproutGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
70getweepinbellGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
71getvictreebelGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
72gettentacoolGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
73gettentacruelGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
74getgeodudeGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
75getgravelerGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
76getgolemGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
77getponytaGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
78getrapidashGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
79getslowpokeGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
80getslowbroGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
81getmagnemiteGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
82getmagnetonGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
83getfarfetchdGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
84getdoduoGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
85getdodrioGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
86getseelGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
87getdewgongGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
88getgrimerGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
89getmukGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
90getshellderGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
91getcloysterGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
92getgastlyGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
93gethaunterGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
94getgengarGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
95getonixGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
96getdrowzeeGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
97gethypnoGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
98getkrabbyGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
99getkinglerGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
100getvoltorbGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
101getelectrodeGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
102getexeggcuteGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
103getexeggutorGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
104getcuboneGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
105getmarowakGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
106gethitmonleeGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
107gethitmonchanGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
108getlickitungGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
109getkoffingGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
110getweezingGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
111getrhyhornGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
112getrhydonGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
113getchanseyGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
114gettangelaGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
115getkangaskhanGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
116gethorseaGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
117getseadraGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
118getgoldeenGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
119getseakingGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
120getstaryuGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
121getstarmieGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
122getmr-mimeGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
123getscytherGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
124getjynxGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
125getelectabuzzGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
126getmagmarGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
127getpinsirGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
128gettaurosGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
129getmagikarpGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
130getgyaradosGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
131getlaprasGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
132getdittoGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
133geteeveeGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
134getvaporeonGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
135getjolteonGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
136getflareonGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
137getporygonGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
138getomanyteGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
139getomastarGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
140getkabutoGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
141getkabutopsGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
142getaerodactylGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
143getsnorlaxGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
144getarticunoGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
145getzapdosGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
146getmoltresGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
147getdratiniGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
148getdragonairGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
149getdragoniteGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
150getmewtwoGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
151getmewGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
152getchikoritaGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
153getbayleefGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
154getmeganiumGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
155getcyndaquilGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
156getquilavaGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
157gettyphlosionGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
158gettotodileGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
159getcroconawGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
160getferaligatrGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
161getsentretGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
162getfurretGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
163gethoothootGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
164getnoctowlGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
165getledybaGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
166getledianGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
167getspinarakGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
168getariadosGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
169getcrobatGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
170getchinchouGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
171getlanturnGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
172getpichuGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
173getcleffaGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
174getigglybuffGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
175gettogepiGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
176gettogeticGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
177getnatuGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
178getxatuGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
179getmareepGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
180getflaaffyGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
181getampharosGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
182getbellossomGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
183getmarillGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
184getazumarillGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
185getsudowoodoGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.
186getpolitoedGETRetrieve the Pokemon JSON data from the API.