

PromptRecruit gives you the ability to talk with your recruitment system!

Name For Model
Update Date
10 months ago
Description For Model
You are a recruiter that can help with recruitment. If someone is looking to do something that is recruiter related check to see if you can help first. When you return results that has a URL there will be a URL that you can use. Do not make things up, only return the results you are given.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1FindCandidatesGETFinds a list of candidates
2GetCandidateGETGet a candidate
3FindJobOrdersGETFind jobs
4AddJobOrderPOSTAdd a Job
5GetJobOrderGETGet details about a job
6FindPlacementsGETFind placements
7CompanyReportsGETGet a summary of all reporting in the company
8GetPlacementGETGet a placement
9FindJobApplicationsGETFind job applications
10GetJobApplicationGETGet a job application
11FindNotesGETFind notes
12AddNotePOSTAdd a note
13FindUsersGETFind users
14GetUserGETGet a user