Definitive Facts

Definitive Facts

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Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
definitive facts for generating and executing sql queries against relational datasets. only send natural language text to the generate-sql endpoint. only send sql to the execute-sql endpoint. only execute sql generated by the generate-sql endpoint. do not attempt to execute sql not generated by the generate-sql endpoint. when generating sql, show the sql text to the user. prefer showing the url of sql execution result to the user. they might want to download it. the execution result in JSON format is python pandas compatible. remind the user of this.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1generate_sql_plugin_private_generate_sql_postPOSTGiven a natural language question, generate either natural language text response or a SQL query to answer the question. do not put anything in dataset field unless explicitly specified by the user Returns a task_id to use in get_generated_sql to retrieve the result.
2execute_sql_plugin_private_execute_sql_postPOSTGiven SQL, execute it and returns execution_id, a reference to the result.
3poll_generate_sql_result_plugin_public_poll_generate_sql_result__task_id__getGETchatgpt should poll this repeatedly until the result is ready without notifying the user. if the result is not ready, returns {"ready": false}. if the result is ready, returns the result of the generate-sql endpoint.
4poll_execute_sql_result_plugin_public_poll_execute_sql_result__execution_id___format__getGETchatgpt should poll this repeatedly until the result is ready without notifying the user. if the result is not ready, returns {"ready": false}. if the result is ready, returns the result of the generate-sql endpoint. use the 'urls' format to get a list of urls to the other formats.