Ping Task Assistant

Ping Task Assistant

Add your own TODOs, plan and delegate tasks. Automatically assign projects and people.

Name For Model
Update Date
9 months ago
Description For Model
Plugin for managing tasks. Assisting user in noting, planning, managing and delegating tasks.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1getContextGETGet user's projects and contacts that can used to recognize project name and assignee while adding a task. You can call it once and remember values for further user input.
2getTasksGETGet the list of tasks. Use markdown to bold parameter values. Don't show task IDs because they are for internal use only.
3addTaskPOSTAdds a task. Show all details of the added task as a list of parameters. Use markdown to bold parameter names.
4confirmDelegatedTaskPOSTConfirms a delegated task. Don't list the details of confirmed task because user already seen them.
5createProjectPOSTCreates a project from a task. If user wants to create a new project, create a new task and call this function.
6getTaskGETGets task parameters.
7editTaskPUTEdits a task.
8deleteTaskDELETEDelete a recently added task. User can't delete tasks created more than 5 minutes ago.