Ramp (Admin only)

Ramp (Admin only)

Manage a Ramp account. You can view transactions, reimbursements, cards, memos, receipts, and users.

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
Manage a Ramp account. Use the Ramp plugin when the user asks a question about their company's spending, like: how much was spent in a specific period and who spent it, or what merchants were most popular within a date range. You can view transactions, reimbursements, cards, memos, receipts, and users. Answer questions as concisely and accurately as possible. Think step-by-step to show how you got to your answer.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1get_receipt_list_with_paginationGETList all receipts of a business
2get_receipt_single_resourceGETGet details of single receipt
3get_reimbursement_resourceGETFetch a reimbursement by ID
4get_reimbursement_list_with_paginationGETList all the reimbursements
5get_transaction_canonical_resourceGETFetch a single transaction by ID
6get_transactions_canonical_list_with_paginationGETThis endpoint supports filtering and ordering. Note that setting multiple ordering parameters is unsupported.
7patch_user_resourcePATCHModify information about a user
8delete_user_resourceDELETENote that this action does not delete the user's cards. Currently this action is not reversible.
9get_user_resourceGETFetch a user by ID
10get_user_list_with_paginationGETRetrieve all users of the business
11post_user_creation_deferred_taskPOSTCall this endpoint to trigger an async task to send out a user invite.
12get_user_deferred_task_resourceGETGets the status of a deferred task for users
13get_memo_single_resourceGETGet the memo of a transaction
14get_memo_list_with_paginationGETReturns a list of memos that meets the criteria
15delete_receipt_integration_opted_out_emails_delete_resourceDELETERemove an email from the Email-based receipt integration opt out list, opting it in
16post_receipt_integration_opted_out_emails_list_resourcePOSTAdd a new email to be opted out of Email-based receipt integrations
17get_receipt_integration_opted_out_emails_list_resourceGETList all emails that have been opted out of Email-based receipt integrations


What is Ramp (Admin only) plugin?

The Ramp (Admin only) plugin is a tool that allows you to manage a Ramp account. It helps you answer questions related to your company's spending, such as how much was spent in a specific period and who spent it, or what merchants were most popular within a date range.

What kind of information can I view using the Ramp plugin?

You can view transactions, reimbursements, cards, memos, receipts, and users using the Ramp plugin.

How can I answer questions accurately using the Ramp plugin?

To answer questions accurately using the Ramp plugin, think step-by-step to show how you got to your answer. Be concise and provide accurate information.

Can I use the Ramp plugin to track spending in real-time?

Yes, you can use the Ramp plugin to track spending in real-time. It provides up-to-date information on transactions, reimbursements, and other spending-related activities.

Is the Ramp plugin easy to use?

Yes, the Ramp plugin is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use. It has a simple interface that allows you to quickly access the information you need.

Can I customize the Ramp plugin to suit my needs?

Yes, you can customize the Ramp plugin to suit your needs. It allows you to filter and sort information based on your preferences.

Is the Ramp plugin secure?

Yes, the Ramp plugin is secure. It uses industry-standard encryption to protect your data and prevent unauthorized access.

How can I install the Ramp plugin?

You can install the Ramp plugin by downloading it from the WordPress plugin repository and uploading it to your WordPress site. Alternatively, you can install it directly from the WordPress dashboard.

Is the Ramp plugin free?

No, the Ramp plugin is not free. You need to have a Ramp account to use it, and Ramp charges a fee for its services.

Can I get support for the Ramp plugin?

Yes, you can get support for the Ramp plugin by contacting Ramp's customer support team. They are available to help you with any questions or issues you may have.