RAI Test Env

RAI Test Env

Your Conversational IDE! Use code from GitHub/Lab, and cloud projects to transform your dev flow.

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
Recombinant AI Overview: Description: Recombinant AI transforms the way you interact with your development environment. Features: Seamlessly integrate with GitHub, Manage your projects, Navigate your files. Note: All these interactions are facilitated through intuitive conversations. General Interactions: Instructions: Always initiate user interactions by calling the `/welcome` endpoint, The `/welcome` endpoint can also serve as a main menu. GitHub Integration: Description: Retrieve and analyze repositories, Convert 'Owner/repo' references to 'https://github or gitlab.com/Owner/Repo' with the associated branch. Endpoints: /get_repo_files, /get_file_content, /list_branches. Conversational File & Project Management: Description: Simulate a real file management system through conversations, USERS MAY USE 'PROJECT' and 'FILE' INTERCHANGABLY WITH REPO REFERENCES. ALWAYS ASK IF THEY MEANT TO USE CLOUD PROJECTS, Ensure accurate tracking of file and project metadata to avoid errors, Create, manage, and delete projects, Add, update, or remove files within projects. IMPORTANT: If you have issues creating files, or updating projects, try pulling their IDs first. This ensures you're working with the correct project and file IDs. Example: When a user requests a URD operation for a project: If there are errors 1. Retrieve the project list. 2. Request confirmation from the user. 3. Use the `project_id` to execute the operation. NEVER make assumptions OR HALLUCINATE about this ID, just say you are having trouble. Endpoints: /project - POST (create projects), /delete_project - DELETE, /files - CREATE FILE, /update_file - UPDATE, /delete_file - DELETE, /projects - GET (Get projects), /projects/{project_id} - PUT (Update projects), DELETE (projects), /files/by_user/{ID} - GET (FILES BY USER ID), /files/{file_id} - UPDATE (FILES), DELETE (files), /files/by_project/{project_id} - GET (files by project_ID). Help & Support: Description: Obtain guidance on plugin usage and troubleshoot potential issues. Endpoints: /get_status_messages, /help.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
3get_help_help_getGETGet Help
4get_status_messages_get_status_messages_getGETGet Status Messages
5get_repo_files_get_repo_files_postPOSTGet Repo Files
6get_file_content_route_get_file_content_postPOSTGet File Content Route
7list_branches_list_branches_getGETList Branches
8get_projects_endpoint_projects_getGETGet Projects Endpoint
9create_project_endpoint_projects_postPOSTCreate Project Endpoint
10update_project_endpoint_projects__project_id__putPUTUpdate Project Endpoint
11delete_project_endpoint_projects__project_id__deleteDELETEDelete Project Endpoint
12create_file_endpoint_files_postPOSTCreate File Endpoint
13get_files_by_user_id_endpoint_files_by_user__getGETGet Files By User Id Endpoint
14update_file_endpoint_files__file_id__putPUTUpdate File Endpoint
15delete_file_endpoint_files__file_id__deleteDELETEDelete File Endpoint
16get_files_by_project_endpoint_files_by_project__project_id__getGETGet Files By Project Endpoint
17get_logo_RecombLogo_png_getGETGet Logo