Semgrep Plugin

Semgrep Plugin

Plugin for Semgrep. A plugin for scanning your code with Semgrep for security, correctness, and performance issues.

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a year ago
Description For Model
Plugin for Semgrep. A plugin for scanning your code with Semgrep for security, correctness, and performance issues.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1semgrep_app.saas.handlers.deployment.openapi_list_deploymentsGETRequest the deployments your auth can access. Currently available auth scope does not extend over more than 1 deployment. This endpoint returns that single deployment your token can access. The endpoint additionally returns links towards related resources available on this web API. [WIP] This endpoint is being actively worked upon, caveat emptor. We will avoid breaking the interface in disruptive ways, but you might be contacted to update your implementation in a relatively short timeline.
2semgrep_app.saas.handlers.issue.openapi_list_recent_issuesGETRequest the list of findings in an organization, paginated in pages of 100 entries and limited by the `since` timestamp.
3semgrep_app.saas.handlers.repository.openapi_list_recent_projectsGETRequest the list of projects in an organization, paginated in pages of 100 entries.
4semgrep_app.saas.handlers.repository.openapi_get_projectGETRetrieve details for a single project associated with a deployment that you have access to.
5semgrep_app.saas.handlers.repository.openapi_patch_projectPATCHUpdate attributes for the project using the value passed in to the request body. Note: The only attribute that is supported as of January 2023 is `tags`.
6semgrep_app.saas.handlers.tagging.openapi_remove_tags_from_projectDELETERemove tags from to a project for a deployment you have access to. This request will not delete project tags from the deployment and will only remove them from the requested project. Any other projects associated with the requested tag will remain unaffected.
7semgrep_app.saas.handlers.tagging.openapi_add_tags_to_projectPUTAdd tags to a project for a deployment you have access to. Any project tags that do not already existing for the deployment will be created automatically and associated with the project.
8semgrep_app.util.unsorted.pingGETUse to ping the server and assert liveness.


What is Semgrep Plugin?

Plugin for Semgrep. A plugin for scanning your code with Semgrep for security, correctness, and performance issues.

What does Semgrep Plugin do?

Semgrep Plugin scans your code for security, correctness, and performance issues using Semgrep.

How does Semgrep Plugin work?

Semgrep Plugin integrates with Semgrep to scan your code for issues and provides feedback within your development environment.

What are the benefits of using Semgrep Plugin?

Using Semgrep Plugin can help you identify and fix security, correctness, and performance issues in your code more efficiently.

Is Semgrep Plugin free to use?

Yes, Semgrep Plugin is free and open source software.

What programming languages does Semgrep Plugin support?

Semgrep Plugin supports multiple programming languages including Python, Java, JavaScript, and more.

Can Semgrep Plugin be used in CI/CD pipelines?

Yes, Semgrep Plugin can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines to scan code automatically during the development process.

Does Semgrep Plugin provide detailed reports of issues found?

Yes, Semgrep Plugin provides detailed reports of issues found, including the location of the issue and suggested fixes.

Is Semgrep Plugin easy to install and use?

Yes, Semgrep Plugin is easy to install and use, with clear documentation and integration with popular development environments.

Can Semgrep Plugin be customized to scan for specific issues?

Yes, Semgrep Plugin can be customized to scan for specific issues using custom rules and configurations.