

Envision your concepts through Diagrams. This tool allows you to create and modify diagrams within the chat interface.

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
Plugin for creating Graphviz images from DOT language input. It takes a DOT language string and returns a URL to the saved image.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1metrics_metrics_getGETEndpoint that serves Prometheus metrics.
2hello_world__getGETHello World
3generate_diagram_generate_diagram_postPOSTThis endpoint generates a diagram image from a given DOT language string and returns the URL of the saved image.
4plugin_logo_logo_png_getGETPlugin Logo
5serve_image_images__filename__getGETServe Image
6plugin_manifest__well_known_ai_plugin_json_getGETPlugin Manifest