MetaMentor by AxonAI

MetaMentor by AxonAI

MetaMentor personalizes your learning path in any topic and provides you with PDF,HTML and DOCX study guides.

Name For Model
Update Date
10 months ago
Description For Model
Generate personalized study plans and content for a learning objective, summarizing topics one by one.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1AdviceMePOSTIt retrieves a help to best use of this tool, use the user language.
2StartPOSTCreates a new session, retrieves user information to adecuate the learning plan
3changeTitlePOSTChange the title for the current manual, study guide or document
4createStudyGuidePOSTThis command must be used before starting to build any learning guide. Use ISO-8859-1 strings ONLY
5addLessonPOSTAdd a new lesson to the learning plan or document. Use ISO-8859-1 strings ONLY
6deleteLessonPOSTRemoves a lesson or sub-lesson from the learning plan by its index
7explainTopicPOSTAdds a summary of a specific topic using its index (example= 1.1, 'Explaination of the topic here...').
8expandTopicPOSTExpand a topic given the previous explaination in max 50 words, give examples and analogies. Don't call it if extension = short.
9readLearningGuidePOSTUse it to recall or lose context of the whole learning plan or goal to achieve.
10findBooksPOSTRecieve a possible title for the topic
11createPDFPOSTWhen ALL lessons and sub-lessons have a content, this will give a PDF, HTML and DOCX files to the user
12createExamPOSTCreate a new exam with a unique identifier (uid), a set of questions and answers, and a time limit.
13reviewExamPOSTRetrieve the data of an exam by the learning objective (uid) for review purposes.
14gradeQuestionPOSTGrade the exam question by question and return the scores and feedback.