Telnyx Storage

Telnyx Storage

Manage your buckets and objects through simple, intuitive textual commands.

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
Telnyx Storage provides cloud object storage on a distributed network. An S3 compatible API makes it incredibly easy for developers to get acclimated to the product and start building. Additionally, all of the user's data is stored and retrieved from the Filecoin Network. Through this plugin, users will have read only access to their data. A user will be able to list all of the buckets that are currently associated with their account. They will also be able to list all objects uploaded into an individual bucket. Finally, they will be able to retrieve specific objects within a bucket.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1ListBucketsGETList all Buckets.
2ListObjectsV2GETList all objects contained in a given bucket.
3GetObjectGETRetrieves an object from a given bucket.