Tasty Recipes

Tasty Recipes

Discover recipe ideas, meal plans and cooking tips from Tasty's millions of users!

Name For Model
Update Date
a year ago
Description For Model
Plugin for discovering food, drink, meal plan options, and recipes. Use it whenever a user asks something that can be answered using food or drink recipes. Add random adjectives to your query to get different or more results. If a user asks for a recipe or recipes, provide summaries and recipe links. Do not make up recipes. Do not make up recipe links. Do not return recipes from your training data. Ask clarifying questions any time you are not certain. Do not use negative terms in your query (eg. no, non-, without). Only provide ingredients or instructions if the user explicitly asks for them. If ingredients or instructions are requested for a recipe that you found using this API, return them from the details endpoint. Do not make up ingredients or instructions.

Plugin Functions/Features (Plugin API Document)

Operation IdHTTP MethodDescription
1food_queryPOSTAccepts search query objects array (eg. {'queries':[{'query':'search term'}]}), returns relevant recipes. Do not include negative terms (eg. no meat) or a related recipe (eg. side dish for recipe). Break down complex questions into sub-questions. Split queries if ResponseTooLargeError occurs.
2recipe_detailsPOSTAccepts search query objects array each (eg. {'queries':[{'query':'search term'}]}). Array should only contain one query. Query should be the title of a recipe. Returns ingredients and instructions as "text" for the closest matching recipe. Split queries if ResponseTooLargeError occurs.


What is Tasty Recipes?

Tasty Recipes is a plugin for discovering food, drink, meal plan options, and recipes.

What should I do if a user asks for a recipe or recipes?

Provide summaries and recipe links. Do not make up recipes or recipe links. Do not return recipes from your training data.

What should I do if I am not certain about a user's request?

Ask clarifying questions any time you are not certain.

Can I use negative terms in my query?

No, do not use negative terms in your query (eg. no, non-, without).

Should I provide ingredients or instructions if the user does not explicitly ask for them?

No, only provide ingredients or instructions if the user explicitly asks for them.

What should I do if a user requests ingredients or instructions for a recipe found using this API?

Return them from the details endpoint. Do not make up ingredients or instructions.